
You took the words right out of my mouth, but I’m going to add another one:

I don’t know if Kara will agree with me, but shade. Shade shade shade. And out in the open, too!

Yup. She may not be a bitch, per se, but she is definitely a horrible sack of crap.

OMG I just commented above about the truck one. The hairs are standing up on my arms just thinking about it.

The one about the truck! That one makes me vomit with fear. I shivered right now just thinking about it.


Exactly right. I can’t stand her or her stupid whore family, but nobody deserves the kind of violence she went through.

Kara, I know you must get bombarded with marriage proposals, but goddamn it, marry me! This Shade Court had me rolling around & holding my stomach. “Mariah’s Schtick - 5 octaves.” Perfect, priceless etc etc.

She seems like a smug, “I’m not talking to you unless you’re somebody important” type. The way she has single-mindedly maneuvered her way into the in-crowd girl group in Hollywood fascinates me. How do people not see through her? She can’t act for shit, that’s for sure.

10000000%. His body dysmorphia is a classic example. He rips on women for being fat (he obviously can’t stand fat people) while he, himself, is a mass of orange, spray tanned dough. His denial of his multiple failed businesses is insane. The fact that he thinks he can win is deluded. Not only will he lose, but he

That’s a FANTASTIC strategy to adopt for a Presidential debate. Talk fast and loud! It’s genius!

And then she could counter with, “So, Donzo, can Ivana still ski backwards down a mountain in Aspen?” I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see that.

For some reason, I immediately thought of Bruce Willis.

WAY more than Singer.

My guesses are: Spielberg or Bruce Willis.

I wouldn’t say Kevin Spacey is known as a family man, though. He’s more known as a “get-out-of-the-closet-already-everyone-knows” man.

Sour pickles, sardines and Viagra slurry.

We owe her a lifelong debt of gratitude. Also, “bangs swooped to next Sunday” made me tear up a little with joy.

Ding Ding! Now we know Jon’s REAL source of income.

That’s the part I got stuck on. Why would you do this to someone who is RAISING YOUR KID. I hope the employer ends up in the harshest area of gen pop in prison.