
Nope, you’re not alone. I don’t like ‘em either. I find twins creepy on a good day, and I also find them boring.

I beg to differ. ASHLEY is the whitest name in the world. Ashley and Melissa.

Allison Williams = Goop 2.0

Ezackly. They have no interest in anything other than themselves and we already know everything about them, so there’s nothing new left to learn.

I loved Dr. Spaceman. He was the all-fired worst doctor in the world, and I loved him.

And the parents owned a bar in Florida before Nick got famous. There seems to be a hereditary substance abuse thing going on in their family.

My theory: Jerry is a sleeper agent sent in to Honeypot Murdoch to death. The winner: All of civilization from this day forward.

Yeah, Wendi beat that guy ass. In court, on international tv. In the words of Karen Walker, I admire her pluck.

I can’t wait till her kids write their books about her. She’s frightening, but I gotta respect the hustle, and yes, that will more than likely be her fate. I don’t know if I’m shamefully happy about that. I think I am.

I swear to you, when I read this I thought, “Yeah, French writer who worked at Charlie Hebdo. That sounds about right.” Glad I’m not the only one.

Yup. This woman’s posts were endlessly about hiking and running and weights and workouts and Tough Mudder and Crossfit and...’re not fooling anyone. Literally no muscle tone. Most people who work out even an hour a day develop some tone.

I HATE the workout posts. I unfollowed someone because all she posted was status updates about running ten miles and hiking for hours with her boyfriend. Yeeeeeeaaaah, if you’re hiking so much, why do you have no muscle tone, like...anywhere?

I unfollowed someone after daily posts about her kid. Cute kid and all, but how many “how cute is she in her rubber boots” posts do I need to see?

It’s REALLY good. And Connie Britton is a delight.

She was bang-on right in saying they all end in pneumonia and homicide, because THEY DO.

I read that book, too, and could not agree more. When he describes how “sweet” and kind the guy was and how it (paraphrasing) “kicked his sexuality into overdrive”, I shuddered and then I felt bad for him. He really doesn’t connect the abuse with his hypersexuality and as you said, above, doesn’t think that a grown

I disagree. Have you seen the one where she makes cookies with Cookie Monster and The Grand Empress of Control Freakiness starts fighting with him, and then tries to stop herself because she realizes she’s scrapping with a puppet? It made me laugh till I cried. No joke.

ezackly. Like, No1curr ex-first Aunt Viv. No1.

I loved Roseanne so much. It really was lightning in a bottle. It’s still one of my top shows, ever.

Angerpaited is now a part of my daily vocab. Shamelessly stealing it.