
My favorite part of Sex in the City 2 was when she cheats on Big and instead of getting into a 3-day long fight about it, or, for that matter, instead of getting angry at all, he gives her a DIAMOND RING. Please someone, give me the life where I’m a dickhead and someone gives me a diamond ring. It seems like a pretty

Aw hell yes. It will be a zillion different kinds of amazing.

She’s painfully, painfully terrible. She should thank the Gods she ended up in the Roberts family. Every time she’s onscreen, I really try to give her a chance, and then end up changing the channel.

That’s what bugs ‘em the most. We’re fucking everyone all the time, but NOT THEM. They remain unfucked and how dare anyone else get some tail if they can’t.

And Clive.

I think so, deep down. I think he’s trolling and handing the victory to the Dems. If not...ugh.

Excuse me? What about that gorilla?

I know that feeling. He makes me violently irritated. I see his stupid face and I want to smother him with a large pillow. I like Cosmos LESS because he’s behind it, that’s how much I hate him. It’s irrational. I hate it. Get out of my head, MacFarlane!

But I am solidly behind Staples Drinkwali, so you’ve redeemed yourself.

Yup yup yup. My conspiracy theorist-type belief is that the Bush family establishment heavies went to him and told him to take a dive - that he was only supposed to run to make Jeb’s win for the nomination look legit, and lo and behold, The Hairpiece started doing WELL. I feel that he and Ben Carson are both wilding

The minute you said overweight and that your dad was 14, I thought: either Jeffery Dahmer or John Wayne Gacy. Then I thought, Dear God, please don’t less this be true.

The sight of them terrifies me. I have watched too many horror movies and am now, officially, a chickenshit.

Who, I ask you, WHO has a SCYTHE just hanging around the house. Glad the Good neighbour got out okay. I’m trying to figure out if the sociopath I was forced to deal with is a violent sociopath, or just a sneaky one. Fingers crossed he’s the lying-type and not the sawed-off shotgun/scythe type.

HOLY JESUS GOD, this is terrifying. Stuff like that - having a “Carl” end up in my life, is my worst fear. I’m in the middle of something similar ie: is the person I am dealing with a harmless lunatic, or dangerously deranged. Still can’t tell, but my hackles are up.

OOOOOH!!! I love the scary stories threads!! Sadly, all my scary stories involve me getting scared at dumb stuff (spiders etc.), nothing supernatural. Sad.

A galaxy’s worth of stars for this answer. A 14 year old is a KID. That’s it.

I like that last one. It made me giggle.

My dad still doesn’t know my birthday and regularly calls me by my sister’s name.

I think I love you.

I think me and my sister walked around calling each other “Reeeeeck” as a shout-out to Brenda’s accent and her BF in France, Rick.