
Nope. She really really really isn’t. She’s possibly a lot worse.

Took me a minute, but I LOVE THIS!!!! Respect, sir, respect.

All the stuff is ugly, except for the pencils. The magnolia earrings are awful.

I also associate it with people’s family trees being a straight line.

I still drool. I mean, look at him up there in that photo, all snotty and gorgeous. (God, what is WRONG with me?)

Aw, hayl yeah.

I thought he was 50 times hotter than that wuss Andrew McCarthy. He sucked. Team James Spader and his pastel linen school blazer.

I love that movie. I love the part when he shows the scratch on the car when he picks it up from the towing place.

Me to Angry Anti-Choice Pol: Go right ahead, I beg you.

We are in agreement that he has the WORST wig game. I vote Harry Connick Jr. for best wig game.

You summed up my answer to Mr. Noir, beautifully. Also, wasn’t Kelly Preston supposed to be a raging raging heau before she got all Scientoloclam?

I just bought some Ralph Lauren things, but only bc I wanted to dress like a joky version of my high school self (it probably isn’t working and I probably look like a jagwagon). I also liked the dress I bought because it has overtones of Margot Tenenbaum. I realize that I may be taking a mighty swing and missing.

Thanks! Same to you! It was scary as hell watching the guy blank out and go over like a tree, but my first thought was “I can’t watch this kid DIE.” It was awful, but he was okay in the end.

Ew. And also, ain’t that the truth.

Same thing happened to me. Saw a guy’s eyes blank out and he went down. At a noisy metal concert, I screamed and waved my arms till I got the bouncer’s attention and he came over. I also shoved people away who were about to step on him. I will say, however, I have years of lifeguard training.

I read the headline and that video IMMEDIATELY popped into my head. It speaks an axiomatic truth.

Ah, didn’t know that. I hate cilantro so I never buy it.

I haaaaate cilantro, so I’m with you. She bought eggs, and she bought beans and rice, so I guess that’s more substantial. I don’t know. I don’t care anymore. She’s a dingus and I can’t stand her dumbface.

Maybe she’ll make scallion and cilantro soup?

I locked on the cilantro. Is she going to make cilantro smoothies for breakfast? Why would that make the cut on her grocery list.