
@Joile- for some reason I decided that getting a traditional Indian arranged marriage was a good idea. So after meeting the guy once- our families got together and his parents proposed to mine. They accepted. (yes- that's exactly how it went down)

To add on- yes its cruel to keep an elephant in captivity and I find the practice uncomfortable. But she was so happy to get our big bunch of bananas and fruit (pomogranates, apples, pears and jackfruit). :D I hope she blessed us.

As an Indian- let me state for the record that exotic animals (Horses, Donkeys, Elephants, Cows, Cats, Dogs, Illamas or whatever else people can come up with) is a fairly recent Bollywood inspired invention and in now way a part of traditional indian culture.

If at all they have been a part of Indian culture- it was

I want to create a fake OK Cupid account just to reply to this woman in the most obnoxious way possible- and then watch the fun begin. :)

Under reasons why you may not like me: