
It's not a terrible show but it's not any way a good show to watch if you are already suffering. I'd definitely go and see a professional and skip this as it's not an educational aid by any means. It's a drama regardless of good intentions.

Ah ok fair enough, it seemed like it with all the visions was all.

They are still trying to get this show banned in Australia with warnings against any children watching it from authorities. So if other countries follow suit this may end up only having season two in the USA only anyway.
Prison Break ? i gave up when they killed his girlfriend lol

I was thinking 7 , 6 with 2 listens of the tape each then the final ep to tie up the loose ends but now there is a season 2 even though it was completely finished. That is just beyond weird. Maybe Clay kills himself and we are expected to sit through his whiney tapes of why he did it.

Totally agree but this is the problem of having an experienced team at the helm for this sort of show.

Agree entirely , nobody in their right mind would say she deserved to be raped but she did bring most of what happened to her on herself by her reactive nature. I had no idea what Clay saw in her in the first place as she was never happy and just used him to try and make herself feel better. She was a pathetic friend

If it does you should be seeking therapy anyway. This is why people like Selena Gomez mean well but have no real clue.

If it does then they had problems far beyond what this show would trigger.
Compared to a show from 2015 ''A girl like her'' which had fantastic acting and a compelling script done in a documentary style. This show is terrible.

He is actually rather bland , Goosebumps is a completely terrible movie with some of the worst acting of any Hollywood movie.

She tried but she went around blaming everyone long before she reached the point of asking for help. She never took any responsibility for her own actions but you are right . That school councilor was a complete joke and in reality they never would have allowed her to go home when she spoke like that.

Didn't get that either and the show did a terrible job explaining why half the people cared when most didn't know her well.

He is schizophrenic though and hasn't been taking his meds. At least that is the way it is conveyed early on when his mum confronts him about it.
He has daymares which seems to relate to schizophrenia.

Yeah it's definitely not the next Game of Thrones.

I think the true danger with this show is treating it as more than fantasized reality. It's just entertainment fluff and nothing more. It's not terrible but it's not particularly good either overall as most of the episodes are almost exactly the same throughout without much real thought put into the episodes.

Fair enough , i'll have a look though

I don't think we have that doco in Australia actually. I keep an eye out for shows like that . Love docos more than these serials.

Sorry who? Well we have really strict gun control in Australia so unless gang members decide to start shooting up schools it's not as likely it would happen here.

We still have the random acts of violence just not on as large a scale. They use other means though. There is violent crime every day so they haven't prevented nor deterred that due to antiquated gaol terms being far too lenient on offenders.

As is explained in the doco there are many campus's that allow the guys to get away with things because of their sporting prowess which gives the school a good name. It is not right in any way shape or form and i think the show is aimed more about schools being more accountable than anything else.

I just didn't think the show conveyed that she suffered from depression at all well though. It makes it seem like only these issues lead her to see no way out but it is actually because she has a chemical imbalance that she is incapable of seeing the right way through things. It is clearer than Clay is meant to be on