
True, Here in Australia this has just copped a severe warning from organisations who are set up to prevent Suicide. We are overprotective over here though or at least authorities are.
The show is pretty harmless i thought and nowhere near as bad as some other main stream shows have been even episodes of CSI have

thanks , i wasn't after sympathy though. I find it best to just get on with things. I guess this show brought back some things that have happened at school but i didn't experience anything really bad compared to some.
Besides i left school , got a job in the entertainment industry and stayed in it for a good while.

i was bullied at school and used to have a teacher put his hands on my shoulders and rub them until i told him if he did it one more time he wouldn't have any hands to put them on my shoulders. , i went through stages but i never blamed anyone else for it and just ended up accepting it as part of school and part of

lol you are entitled to do what you want but it's really just made for kids/teen and maybe that is ok. It's not deep enough and as it makes out that every single adult is totally useless which is counterproductive in it's message as well as probably guaranteeing they won't get much out of it.

Oh no you are one of 'those' sort that just pick a tiny piece that someone says and deliberately try to cause an argument. Sorry you picked the wrong person i am a pacifist so take your diatribe elsewhere perhaps.

not always though , only the ones the media focuses on because something happens. Many people never do act out in any way and keep it all inside.

i was disgusted by Bryce but such good acting. Even the fight sequences were mostly well done. What beat me was why Bryce's friends didn't go to the police.

What you think if you top yourself it will end up a tv show? It doesn't glamorize it one bit actually but it doesn't go far enough and gets a little caught up in the tropes of teenage angst . It's not as uncomfortable to watch most of it as it should be for instance.

the singing was great :). Well the sing where she sits and plays the piano anyway.

The crazy thing is though that is just life, well not the rape part , she put herself in a very dangerous situation just walking alone late at night let alone going to a person's party she didn't trust anyway.
I agree it wasn't a 1 dimensional show but alot of it could have and should have been handled with more care

I agree with that part as when you watch the 29 min doco about the show it is clear they were trying to portray that Hannah suffered from depression but this was really cloudy in the actual show. I don't think they should make a second season to this or it will just completely cheapen the whole thing.

i liked the show overall but after thinking about it over the last couple of days there are areas where it was lacking. I just don't think Hannah was an interesting enough character for a tv show that ran that many episodes.
Mainly as it wasn't made clear enough she was already suffering from depression , this was

It was brilliant at the start but that how on earth did the school social worker ever get a job at that school as he is beyond hopeless. He fails in every way to even be a convincing councilor and sounded more like he was paid off by the boys to shush Hannah up. Only right at the very end did he even seem to care she

It's an awesome movie, i would never warn anyone away from it. One of the best movies he has ever done.

Robots was just never a good movie though.

That movie had some great ideas but just went nowhere. Shame as the characters were good and original.
Comparing Bicentennial Man Robin Williams starred in , that movie was just incredible.

It is the 30 fps that makes it feel like that , it is just far too slow for what needs to be a fast paced title.

Spot on , I bought the original trilogy on PS3 at the same time as the PS4 game and it is way better. For a start they run twice as fast which is just embarrassing seeing how many years ago the PS3 was released.

i haven't seen any of these movies, i think the last animated movie i saw was UP which was quite brilliant.