
For me too it became too much of a chore when I was just into Destiny and Division. Trying to keep up with events and seasons just drained me and I can’t imagine playing more at a time. Same with Niantic games, I’ve tried their other stuff thanks to pokemon go but I could never stick with it because each game required

I generally hate to generalize when something goes to shit but I swear to God every horrible thing to come out of the economy can be traced back to the Reagan years.

When a single upper-level executive from nearly every studio gets paid more per year than the total cost of what the WGA is asking for to better support all of its thousands of wildly underpaid writers (yes, seriously), the people who are literally the foundation of everything these studios produce, and the WGA’s

He said in the interview that their internal reviews placed the game double digit scores higher.  So evidently they believed they had a solid game.  Their internal reviews just suck and he’s going to look into that too.

This tracks with what I have read from other developers that have been acquired by Microsoft. Microsoft wants to take a more hands off approach. I wish I could remember what dev it was but I recall an interview this yeah with someone saying they wish MS came in harder to help clean up some management issues. To take a

Bullshit. When Robert Downey Jr and Tom Holland improv entire scenes as Iron Man and Spider-Man, they are considered sooper-geniuses.

This girl does it and she’s mocked by the mediocre.

There was a lot to F&TWS but it was mostly post-Endgame world building and politics. Add in a lot of focus on the symbolism behind Captain America as an icon more than as a person and a showcase of the downsides of Super Soldiers being treated as weapons. It was basically a show focused on all the consequences behind

The real loss that’s going to sail over most people’s heads isnt the announcements or trailers or any of that dumb hype bullshit that can be accomplished with a tweet or a youtube video like they’re already doing

Yeah, this is needed but still disappointing.

This may have been false (they didn’t lose, they quit) but I still don’t see it as “cancel culture” run amok. We live in a place where R. Kelly literally peed on a child, everyone saw it, and he still had a career for 20 more years. I’ll take today over the past. Looking for a 100% perfect system just ensures the

Definitely, but as someone who grew up with E3 being such a huge deal for games and gaming news, it’s kinda sad for the institution to die. I remember when I was a teenager in the early 2000s, I wanted nothing more than to be able to go to E3 and play the pre-release versions of these games and get to see all the

Single staffing a retail store is dangerous and stupid. Especially when that single employee is there for nearly 12 hours. Good for her. Your life is worth more than a pittance from a company that doesn’t care about you in the slightest.

Also helpful is keeping $20-50 stashed somewhere in your car in the event that you forget your wallet and don’t realize it until you’re waiting in line to pay for lunch at a place where you can’t pay with your phone

Oh, I don’t disagree. There has been an anti-union movement led by big business since they first came into being. But these are the kinds of stories that are super easy for anti-union propaganda to use. These are also the kinds of situations that take up so much of management’s time and make them resent the union. My

I like that he sucked at this and admitted he was terrible at Clue too.  

Surprise, surprise. Sadly he didn’t even manage to learn enough to change his mind about twitter only needing to be “50 people”.

Twitter probably can’t get down to less than 50 LAWYERS, much less 50 employees. Even the idea of only 50 engineers is patently ridiculous. You’re going to need that many people to just

Yep. Bernie Madoff didn’t didn’t go to prison for fucking over the poor and middle class.

They’re paying 7.5 Billion for Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Doom, and Wolfenstein. which is honestly probably a steal considering they’re basically some of the largest franchises they could buy.

Ya’ll must have gotten a hold of an edited video, cause the real video would have followed that with:

The average american voter’s reaction to reason: