
Every one of these “basement tapes” he releases decreases his chances of winning.

Yeah, I was with you until the “entitled millenilal” part. What a great way to age your opinion, and feed into one of the most laughable stereotypes. She’s an entitled person. Most millennials aren’t entitled, they are just living in perhaps the most difficult financial time in decades and decades, in general.

You’re right, but for the most part it was kept at bay to a certain extent. Politicians played their part in uniting the country. They would say things like, all Americans included. No matter what color they are. They didn’t go out of their way to divide the nation. Even if maybe for some presidents and their

I can’t tell what’s worse: that she abuses her authority by fucking deputies, that’s she’s “Jackie Gleason as a 70s car chase movie sheriff” racist, or that’s she’s one of those thirsty ass people who blasts your phone with too many texts.

Bill Belichick will sign him next week and he'll be a three-time All-Pro for New England

When I was in college a big group of us would go on a road trip to an away game every year, charter a bus and all that. So sometime in the mid 2000s the Ravens are handling the Bengals pretty easily, and around the third quarter the Bengals fans started heading towards the exits. Since I’m in a group of about 25

While there are certainly a lot of things to wrap your head around, if you take things one step at a time, it’s a fairly straight-forward game, especially with a lot of the changes they’ve made over the years. Take player progression for example. Before, you just roamed from around the map without any short-term

Good thing she was not a black cosplayer, or this would have been a completely different post... on The Root.

Now playing

People in the south don’t learn what the civil war was really about:

“I think, as a Canadian, we would just never ever think about doing something like that,” 

That’s the same shit they said about Clinton and look where we are.

Amazon will immediately fire any of these warehouse workers that try and unionize and hire someone else who won’t. Warehouse workers have absolutely no leverage because there isn’t any skill involved in their jobs. Literally anyone from 16-70 can do that job without a high school education and with just a few hours

The saga continues...

I’ll never understand people (men or women) like that. I’ve been through a few breakups in my time; sometimes I was doing the breaking up, and others I was the one being left behind.

Being left hurts. It stings on a fundamental level (assuming you weren’t also hoping to get out of the relationship, which did happen to

Dear ASS,

As a few others have said, you are not nearly as interesting, deep, or intelligent as you think you are—but assuming you’re being sincere, I’m going to let you in on a little secret about human relationships:

The only time you’re ever really “trading up” is if your partner is abusive, completely emotionally

I get the feeling from the first person that their porn consumption habits are getting in the way of both sex with his partner and his idealization of women. Count the symptoms: still masturbating at the same rate while having sex less often, thinking of attractive women during sex to keep it up, using numerical

Sounds like they were threatened with losing access to Patriots players and coaches.

Courtney Smith was also at the school to pick up the kids, and Zach “was not to pick up their children until after 6 p.m.,” presumably not from the school.

I know it’s jeets and he’s a legend but nobody’s just going to gift it to him. Success isn’t wrapped up neatly in a basket.