
Absolutely wrong take. For every flop and near flop Nintendo had they could always rely on their handheld division keeping them afloat. In fact, during their struggles with the N64 and Gamecube they repeatedly told their investors it was their strong performance in their handheld division that was keeping them safe

This is really why PC gaming will reign supreme. You get rid of all these idiot publishers and over-bloated developers and you still have PC gaming so long as people are still buying the hardware. And on PC that’s a small threshold.

I still think it’s absurd this is considered a “kids” universe and series. Just because they wanted to cash in on “kid” “friendly” cartoons.

I guess Fleshlight has a new idea for themselves...

It really isn’t if the Regime is fine with it. Look at China. The only major difference is that China’s Regime is basically Atheist but only because they can’t control religion 100% in their favor. Even one invented by them. But as recent as the 90s it was thought that China would never fully embrace western

Assuming it’s none of the conspiracy theories, it sounds like it’s your typical, run of the mill, poor planning and not doing your prototyping before shooting your mouth off, stuff.

Epic is at the forefront for supporting developers and making their work easier. ESPECIALLY, if not almost exclusively -with regards to independent tools at least- graphically.

Objectively terrible opinion. I’ll admit I wasn’t thrilled with it at first but once you understand the battle system it’s great fun. You can cheese it but if you know what you’re doing it’s an entirely different game.

I really wish they’d offer a hybrid choice for graphics. Untouched. Smoothed polys and untouched 2D elements. Smoothed everything. PROPER CRT FILTERS. The fake scanline filter for the whackos that grown attached to it, and so forth.

Well, they’re not a great organization. That’s for sure. They may not want to burn down houses like NZXT but they certainly enjoy poorly supporting their products and customers.

Kodak’s strategy was far more about its patents. They actually had a fair few early digital patents as well, but they didn’t utilize them and made them cost restrictive so others just made their own. Kodak also sold a few key patents too early for a steal. They relied on their physical patents, much like how gaming

Yeah, they’re still being very greedy, though. They should have made a compilation for $15 instead of doing them individually. Particularly since it’s just a straight and bad port. Understandable if you’re going to give a deal to compensate and encourage.

My second problem is that they just charge too much for most of them. 90% of their titles are derivative and just themed differently and mixing a mechanic from a different game into the “new” one.

Almost. Still needs the large banner along with saying that declaration while on some large piece of military equipment.

It’s one of the reasons why “the founding fathers” of the USA were so against patriotism and national allegiance.

You’re absolutely right. NFTs are a pyramid scheme in which people artificially inflate the “value” of their NFT by buying it themselves at an outsized cost and then reselling it, themselves, at a reduced cost to make it seem like a “deal”.

I agree that developers are mostly soulless zombies these days. They have no inspiration, often aren’t allowed it anyway, and yeah. Games are suffering from this cookie-cutter mass appeal nonsense.

Maybe covid had something to do with it but it’s also not cheap, at all, to do this professionally or even semi-professionally.

SEGA is a corporate entity as well and their change in attitudes on how to engage in fan engagement frankly has a lot to do with them still being in business.

I think the best kirby games are kind of boring but also have optional challenging aspects. They should be accessible to single digit kids but they can also be rewarding for seasoned gamers, as well.