
He’s a coward either way and he’s valuing his own self preservation over that of thousands of others, even children. So, it doesn’t fucking matter at this point. Plenty of other high profile russian citizens have had the courage to speak out.

No, that’s gaslighting and bait. There’s also thick hypocrisy within your own statement; if you actually believe it in its entirety.

Yeah but also Russia is deliberately targeting civilians. Sometimes, or perhaps at this point often, ONLY civilians.

Yeah it happens but that’s not what is happening here. There’s also plenty of ways to get around that. When aviation and weapon companies were wanting ridiculous amounts for licensing the developers made it known and made it clear for the reason why they either weren’t developing the game or making it generic. They

It’s not just the microtransactions. It’s the fake online requirement for offline content. This game seriously made me stop caring about Sony entirely. I don’t trust them and thanks to the weird generation so far, I didn’t get suckered into getting a PS5 before they pulled out the rug.

Honestly, they should just go back to adding cheats to games via passwords or menus. It was common place in most home releases when Arcade ports were huge.

They’re not stupid about the economics of this. This is called lottery game development. The payoff is huge if you win it. Risk is minimal if you play smart.

To say nothing of how Sony tends to support their online components for the shortest amount of time. Even compared to Nintendo in some instances. Except, of course, Nintendo games don’t become functionally bricked after online support is removed.

I was interested in Sony and Playstation 5 until this. Only idiots like being exploited. Fuck Sony. Fuck Playstation. (And probably soon if idiots keep letting this exploitation slide, Fuck Gaming)

Squaresoft was a great logo. Square-Enix was and has always been a harbinger of doom and loathing. If you were lucky, that loathing would be replaced with a flawed but decent enough, if soulless, game.

You’re not entitled to infringe on someone’s legal rights because you want to. Stop venting your rage at companies and start demanding modern copyright and fair use laws.

I’d like to point out at this point that this is an industry that has far more people who “get” gaming than when this industry first started. When you’d have generic suits running things that they didn’t fully understand.

lol you realize that people thought almost EXACTLY like you at almost every era of war? People thought that about WWI, even WWII because of the post-war boons. Even the revolutionary American war wasn’t expected to happen because of trade connections and military power dynamics. Until we fought dirty and changed the

It starts from a simple concept that a democratic government requires representation. People are self-serving so it isn’t crazy to think that the interests of companies should also be represented.

You might want to brush up on your research, really. We keep thinking we know, but turns out we don’t. The gaps are getting larger between new information and discoveries and methods, but it still happens. And there are still gaps in our knowledge while the gaps between discoveries get larger. It’s like taking apart a

Anyone who ships their digital games on an open platform DRM free is just about doing it as best they pragmatically can. Perfection would also be allowing access to each individual update so you can play whatever version you want or need to rather than being forced to play the most current version or having to jump

Piracy is not stealing. Stealing is stealing. Some people use piracy to steal just like some people use cars to help them rob a bank.

Pretty much. They’re doing some pretty old cheating methods to fake it. I, personally, think it looks absolutely terrible but I know how they’re doing it and I am aching for proper environmental effects and resource allocation in games.

Ubisoft actually has very few IPs. All of them have been run into the ground. Assassin’s Creed seems to be the exception in common sense since it is well due for a fall but manages to creep on by. Of course there’s not much left to plumb there, either

All the more reason to introduce laypeople into Piracy but not using piracy to steal. At least on a logical ethical level. Like if you can’t buy the product anymore you can certainly “steal” it then. It’d be as effective as buying a used game as far as the developer is concerned. Only you’re not contributing to an