
It should be illegal to keep any money made on games when they shut down without an offline mode. An exception could be made for social party and socially competitive only games games, aka MMORPGs and shooters without a single player campaign, and the like. But “Games as a service” or anything to try and justify false

You might want to get a bandana, they come in headband forms so they’re much easier to use. (I imagine an actual headband would be too thick) I sweat easily, but not with foam. Silicone is a guarantee for me despite, usually, being the most comfortable otherwise.

Abuse crimes, sexual and physical, are also hugely under reported there as well as crimes against children.

It is one of the easiest conditions to back with psychological diagnosis because it is overwhelmingly linked to past abuse, to past arrested development, to excessive sexual exposure in media, to sexual inadequacies and other issues.

EXACTLY. So glad to see someone else understand this. The USA has, since its inception, tackled crime like Clint Eastwood in his movies.

Oh that’s cool then. I totally forgot about that. I don’t know why they don’t get off their high horse and do a complete edition. Especially with games that have online components that need players to participate in.

I don’t believe Nintendo has ever really done substantial DLC? I mean, they’re complete idiots with it and overcharge what they do give.

Violence from caregivers is just as prevalent here as it is there. More here (but it is still a huge problem in Japan because of their population decay and poor welfare systems) but it doesn’t make headlines because the media doesn’t really care about highlighting mental health and healthcare burdens, just political

I’m not so sure he did. He sounded rather dismissive and like it was below him to even acknowledge but due to seeming pressure, he was advised to do so.

Well, there’s social and political bias but you REALLY lit the powder keg by saying starting their own company.

Be careful not to leak anything! Nintendo will cut you then.

It’s like TV tech. Spec alone is only half the equation. FPS is only half, a quarter really, of what makes the visuals change.

I don’t think EVGA is worth praising during this shortage. They DID price gouge, briefly. They did screw up on how they chose who to sell to. It wasn’t until like a month ago that they finally got it together in a more sensible way but they’ve been playing the field on both sides.

Since it had to do with a frame limit runoff, I imagine these cards had something defective with their power delivery. Cards are supposed to have safeguards for poorly coded games (not limiting frames is the very definition of lazy and oversight. It’s so basic to add without telling consumers to turn on vsync) and it

There is no chip shortage for graphics cards. There’s lead time shortage. Meaning, there are not enough manufacturers and open lines to meet demand. There’s also no incentive to make more factories, open more lines because it costs literally millions of dollars, some lines several hundreds of millions of dollars. If

If you genuinely enjoy it and have spent at least 40 hours that didn’t feel like unnecessary grind (I never tried it yet, installed but not tried) I’d suggest that you support them somehow, financially. As little or as much as you can, anything is better than nothing.

I really wish Nintendo would allow (or 3rd parties would just do it if allowed) HD Rumble and NFC in these things. NFC would had a few quarters but I could live without it since I could just swap controlled when I’d use an Amiibo, but I’d really like the rumble back in third party.

If the N64 had a CD-ROM instead of cartridge and had more memory instead of less but uselessly faster (when there’s so little of it) it would have slayed. SLAYED. It not having a CD-ROM was the primary reason Squaresoft ditched them, if not the only reason. The memory was a contentious issue as well but it was

What do you consider “extremely well-compensated”? My guess is you haven’t a damn clue.

While it isn’t their fault for hardware failures. It is their fault to have a game unnecessarily push your card that hard when it isn’t actually doing something that benefits the player. When a developer says the “solution” is to turn on v-sync to limit a FPS runoff, you’ve got a shittily coded game.