
Piracy doesn’t affect sales. Poorly designed games do. Poorly researched pricing and expectations also affect sales.

In the US instruction manual for Super Mario Bros. it calls him Bowser, King of the Koopa. In Japan he was (Demon)King Kuppa, basically.

It’s very well done but I won’t lie in that the first I’d do is put on a ghastly NTSC filter to distort the colors and bring back some FEELS. Then you’d have the best, imperfect version with all the character. This does bring home how well Cuphead actually nailed cel animation in its “ideal” form.

Luigi is a cuck and Mario has never been more than a Beta, anyway. If anything, it can’t come back soon enough.

Consumer grooming at its finest.

I think the main issues with the game were its combat (which I loved) but it was a return to a simpler, more traditional JRPG combat system, which I can understand being annoyed with.It just felt snappy in X, though.

This will sell more than the Valve Index if it survives the internet’s judgement once it is out in the wild.

This will sell more than the Valve Index if it survives the internet’s judgement once it is out in the wild.

lol is gaming on windows really that traumatic? You install and run, done. All the storefronts these days have made it exceptionally console-like to game on PC.

Time to get new bones:

If it is a known branded card it is fast enough. The switch cannot take advantage of properly fast cards and it barely takes advantage of reasonably fast cards.

1.3 billion dollars is really not that much money these days. People seem to still be under the impression of last century economics when it come to acquisitions. That is, most were done by struggling companies in NEED of a buyout, and then virtually anything is better than nothing, and startups that have absolutely

zxThere’s nothing unsubstantitated about the claims of how much their panel will cost. Especially once we have one in hands and know the exact model. It’s public information (or near public depending on your sourcing) for anyone looking at wholesale purchasing from the big manufacturers of small OLED screens. Of

Basically in between what an AMD APU 4350g and a 4650g can do. So, a bit more realistic for gaming since it’ll be going close to the resolutions that those were reviewed at but on a handheld.

If Valve doesn’t get it together you could also just install your own OS. The CPU is pretty powerful, gpu good enough and will always be the bottleneck. So, a tweaked Windows install should be very doable and realistic given the headroom the cpu part of the APU . To say nothing of what the modding community may do if

It would be interesting but I’m not sold yet. The only motion controls I haven’t mind are VR motion controls but your brain is in a different spatial mindset then.

I agree with what you’re saying but I’d just like to add that 30% is a fair generalized number for what Valve takes but it also isn’t accurate. I can’t say exactly due to NDAs still being active but they will cut various deals if they choose to give a shit about you/your company or your product. It’s not a massive

Tropes are cyclical. Anti-Hero was very popular towards the end of the 60s and end of the 70s. (Attributed to the disaster that was the Vietnam War) Many seem to believe that Star Wars being so successful and Jaws before it, that made studios decide enough of that trope and we didn’t see it again in full force until

They’re not patenting an idea but rather a process in which to implement that idea, theoretically, easily.

I got a rock...