Devil's Avocado

I understand that kind of loyalty. I always watch a show through to the end, no matter how bad it gets (Dexter, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother). Part of me hates this loyalty though because the networks will take advantage of it for profit. It seems like a "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself

The DVR comment was meant to state that the idea of wrapping up everything within 44 minutes was especially appealing back when if you missed an episode, you couldn't catch up. With the prevalence of internet streaming now, this is why I think the procedural is a outdated format.
From what I've gathered from all these

Those do sound like interesting characters (which wasn't really apparent in this episode), although I've always found that serialized storytelling is still the superior format if one is interested in character studies. I feel like I would be very aggravated by this crossover if I was a fan of Bones then, because now

The first time I tried to watch Nightmare on Elm Street, I couldn't get past the opening where the music blares and the title card comes up. I eventually was able to watch it a week later by keeping the lights on the whole time. Now, its one of my favorite horror films!

Yeah, I find that, with a few exception, TV shows shouldn't go beyond 5 or 6 seasons. Shows like The Office, Dexter, & How I Met Your Mother all should have ended 3-4 seasons earlier than they did. Smallville is an odd exception because it really became a completely different show around Season 8, and that extended

I felt like the Sleepy Hollow writers were the ones who had less of an idea on how to integrate the other cast! At least in the Bones Episode, we saw Abbie helping out and they had a reason for being there (Having the Sleepy Hollow cast being the ones to seek out the body, as opposed to the Bones cast suddenly seeking

So, all the anthropology is supposed to be grounded in real science? That's kinda cool, but then I didn't get that feeling from this episode at all. I know for a fact that "facial reconstruction on a 200 year old skull with no skin" is BS, and the rest seemed to rely a lot on the same unrealistically expedient and

Yeah, I always assumed this show's success mostly hinged on it "will they/won't they" relationship, but the Halloween prank here felt so forced and I sensed no chemistry between the two (mainly because Deschanel was thoroughly unconvincing). The supporting cast all felt bland or obnoxious to me, but of course I'm only

Sigh. I'd feel really sad if someone wasted over 200 hours of their life watching Bones solely for that reason.

So, I guess they jumped the shark long before they decided that demons, magic, and the Apocalypse exist within the universe!

Yeah, my parents are fans of Castle as well. I think procedural leanings are more understandable for the older generation who grew up without binge watching and DVR, but its really an outdated format now. Personally, I find that the fact that crime procedurals always wrap up by the end (and rely on nonsensical

He directed Dune? Huh, I saw that a couple years ago, probably not worth revisiting. I am a completist when it comes to movies though, so I'll be checking all of these out!

Can someone please explain the appeal of Bones? Even by crime procedural standards, it seems really terrible and Emily Deschanel may be one of the worst actresses I've seen.


That's a good point, but then I think the problem then becomes that they always still manage to get really focused shots on all the important details while their panicking. Holding on to the camera is one thing, but continuing to film it exactly like a movie needs to function is another.

That's actually a pretty ingenious solution, though it obviously wouldn't work in every movie. Sounds a bit like the movie Oculus, which wasn't found footage, but had the same "filming because the evil force can mess with perception/time" angle.

Haven't seen Creep, but the "not showing all your recorded footage" really annoyed me in all of the Paranormal Activity movies.
And yeah, found footage really messes with standard cinematography techniques. I think Blair Witch Project actually did this very well because it never felt like they were filming what "needed

Yeah, I understand the complaints against FWWM, but I found it to be a very fascinatingly dark, Kafkaesque story about a doomed girl. I definitely found the more "Lynchian" moments of Twin Peaks to be the best, so I'll certainly check out his other works, including Blue Velvet!

Knowing Gotham, they'll find a way to mess up his origin worse than the New 52 one…

I really enjoyed the break from formula, but I feel like the episode wasn't traumatic enough compared to what we've seen of Simmons this season so far. The very limited encounters with the alien threat on the planet didn't seem to be enough to warrant whipping out a secret knife after a PTSD nightmare. Also, while I