Devil's Avocado

The problem with found footage is that it always strains the suspension of disbelief inherent to movies too far. I think what would work better is to only use the found footage as segments in a larger film. Like in Chronicle, it made sense for the guy to be filming because it was his way of distancing himself from

Just recently finished watching Twin Peaks (including Fire Walk With Me) for the first time and absolutely loved it. This film was then immediately placed on my radar and I'm really intrigued to watch it. I feel like I've just scratched the surface of Lynch's madness!

I don't know if I could handle the inevitable "You're both my sons" emotional talk from Joe if that happens!

OH MY GOD THAT KILLER SHARK REVEAL THOUGH!! I didn't even hear what he said because I was laughing so ecstatically! I think it tops the Flash ring and Grodd's first appearance as the most gloriously geeky moment of the show!
I think C+ is a bit too harsh, though I definitely agree that this episode felt like it killed