There is a good reason I call his supporters “Trumpenfluffers”.
There is a good reason I call his supporters “Trumpenfluffers”.
It’s got a PA system for the back seats, I’m looking forward to bothering my family with that.
OK so for real, what did Honda forget to take a picture of?
Ideally, the government should make direct payments to workers to cover them during the pandemic. Unfortunately, our country just doesn’t have that sort of social safety net, it never has, and I just don’t see the political will currently to make it happen.
If your job wanted you to transfer to a worksite where people weren’t showing up for fear of catching COVID, would you make the trip?
Interesting. They seem to be going a subscription route. I truly don’t know if that’s a good idea or a bad idea. We will have to see how it plays out.
Ever seen Marc Marquez and Wolverine in the same photograph? Just sayin’
I’ve just been jamming mortadella into my soul. Give me all the mortadella.
“It was a total shock. Imagine showing up to work and the doors are closed and you can’t get inside. You’re going, ‘What’s going on?’ And you’ve been told you’ve been fired. But you haven’t been told the reason why. We just weren’t given an answer. It was the worst feeling.”
My grandfather liked Carter. As for his somewhat lackluster presidency Grandpa just said “He was too damn honest for Washington”.
Just call it some really long ass German name that means “Car that guides itself with driver supervision” and turn that into an acronym. It worked with Porsche Doppelkupplungsgetriebe
I feel like this is one of Jeep’s annual Easter Safari concepts. Since that got cancelled, well, it’s not doing much else right now.
I like the game Car Mechanic Simulator 2018 personally. It’s less realistic than what is shown here and more “arcadey”. But I like that, sometimes being too real is a detriment to a video game. I like it when developers remember that they are making a game at the end of the day and it’s supposed to be fun and maybe a…
It may be a choice between giving him up and keeping the lights on though. Lebanon badly needs a load from the IMF, and guess who has veto power on the IMF board?
Duh, so the cars don’t blow away.
The purpose of the testing is to make sure that your phone doesn’t cause your car to behave unexpectedly, not to prevent your car from giving you cancer...
All that is needed for the CE mark is for the company to have a Certificate of Conformity. Basically, an official document on company letterhead that says you totally promise that you follow all EU safety and interference regulations applicable to this product.