The Devil Drives a Mustang (Rotary Pending)

Oh, yes. GIANTS Software, the developer, is making the popular game into a full-on esport by establishing it as a 10-tournament league across Europe, according to a press release. The tournament will include events like Gamescom and Paris Games Week, with a finale at FarmCon2020, according to The Verge. GIANTS is

I have the PS Vita version.  Nothing makes time fly in a waiting room or during my daughter’s Tae Kwon Do class like this game.

It’s not legal, technically, but it certainly wouldn’t blend in.

You should meet my brother then. A 3 door Yaris hatch was his pick for his first car after college. He drove it for over 10 years before some idiot in a Ford Explorer who wasn’t paying attention caved in the hatch.

Probably. My guess is that it’s going to be more or less a Transit Connect pickup.  And if that’s all it is, it will be the most awesome small truck built in 30 years.

Step 1: Take Ford Transit Connect

Everyone’s tastes are different. I admit that I have a thing for Irish folk music, as well as folk metal.

Let’s just hope that rocket scientists work for free.

You know what? I don’t think that’s so bad. Everyone these days has a phone with an alarm. For a budget hotel to not have clocks in their rooms isn’t the worst idea.

I recently told my wife that for the first time in my life, a French Revolution style scenario is not impossible. It’s still unlikely, but for the first time I can remember I feel like the odds are greater than 0.

When the Catholics choose a new Pope, they are locked inside a building in the Vatican and don’t come out until they have made a decision.

At least the van door doesn’t do anything embarrassing.

An old high school friend has an early 90's dually Chevrolet 3500 Cheyenne (remember those?!?!) with a 454 and a 4-speed. He serves in the Coast Guard. Instead of moving from home to home, he has an old toy-hauler he converted into an apartment. When he gets reassigned he just literally moves his whole home.

Its downright polite when you sit down and consider it.

In addition to its heavily mangled body, this Evo is sporting a “Whores Wanted” sticker. Tasteful!

Also I disagree with your last statement.  37% really is too low no matter what.

I would prefer to see capital gains go away entirely. Income is income no matter where it comes from. If a person with $0 income per year were to somehow make $20,000 on the stock market, that person should pay the lowest bracket. With the EIC that person really should pay no tax on that capital gain at all. If a

I agree that the current rate (37%) is way too low, and I agree about investing in social programs. I just think that 70% is not a good rate. I think 50% to 60% is a good happy medium.

Pretend you don’t have GM corporate looming over your head. You have an unlimited budget. How would you fix Cadillac?

But it is far better than JD Power data.