
Everyone trying to be Overwatch “nobody is straight” 2.

old ass Tim Cook laughs at this mentality. This is the reason why gaming is crashing for a second time.

Microsoft will buy them before 2025.

shut up or she might get a trilogy.

Sony is so obsessed with Spiderman, it’s kinda sad.

J.J. Abrams destroyed both Star Wars and Star Trek. The worst thing is that he is part of secret Hollywood so expect to see more famous series to be given to him.

Wow this make the movie look even worse rehashing sequences from other movies they did. The days of Indiana Jones running from a rolling boulder classic sequence are long gone from Hollywood.

only if they care about the story, which they don’t hence this article.

They want to keep milking the death of Paul Walker.

the movie did not fail, it was watched by its limited target audience, the main actress has even insulted male marvel fans, only the hardcorest mcu fans would support her movie after that.

Kingdom Hearts was Disney’s attempt to promote their Tokyo Disneyland park, so they hired the most popular game company to make them a game, Square never expects to make sequels of anything that’s why it’s a crazy merchandise mix that had unexpected success in big part thanks to PS2 popularity.

“If Star Wars is to thrive” imagine how awful that sounds when talking about the biggest movie series ever. Better leave it alone for a few decades until people forget all the horrible movies and series. Dave Filoni sucks, his stories are cartoon level that’s why Kennedy will call the shots not him, remember that

“It’s been nearly a decade since Gamergate, the misogynistic game industry tantrum that harassed women under the guise of demanding journalistic ethics—yet 2023 has felt like we’re not that far past it at all.”

have you tried to get into making games Alyssa? I can’t believe you just want to write website posts forever,

Las Vegas needs Formula 1 because it wants to be considered among the important cities of the 21st century. Nobody outside Memphis watches Nascar.

they had funny lines but they were not comedies. The one with women was a comedy and terrible.

World Economic Forum wants hot dogs made out of crickets!

Robert Downey isn’t republican or democrat, he’s a mega star.

a country-wide law they draft themselves isn’t the best for consumers. How many officials they donate to?

that trashcan shows this game should have been just DLC, not sold as a new game.

dont eat fast food, you will lose 75% of the fat.

just because you can do it doesn’t mean you should.