
Silly Openai, Hollywood has been doing automated content generation for decades!

Apple is quickly trying use the lawsuit publicly to advertise how good their ecosystem is and put down competitors... like they do every single keynote?

“targeting Magento and the three judges.” and The Trail of Magento”

of course not, the Jedi on the Lucas movies are on the good side always, even to the point they act naive against the evil like Jabba the Hutt, The Federation or the Emperor. The only one always secretly breaking the rules was Anakin hence his fall to the dark side during the Order 66.

a show about evil Jedi! the deconstruction of Star Wars finally begins in June!

Elom Musk likes him to give him the Twitter spotlight and he goes and tries to be woke about it, you have to know how to play your cards and not mock the boss.

Sell TikTok to Disney

who has been a part of pretty much all televised Trek since the ‘70s—”

Sounds like the video games stories but made by Disney, so a hard pass.

It shows. Beautiful animation but the story was so boring, extremely long talk followed by crazy travel animation moving to another place where another long conversation starts. It’s all a bunch of filler to expand a tiny story that barely progresses. As an animator I was extremely impressed and amazed but the fact

it’s called milking it.

“fan service” in movies is called SEQUEL.

so you can return it no questions asked? no way! it has lost a ton of value if they plan to sell them as used.

probably will be a time travel story and they arrive to modern times.

rumor he been invited to the new X-men.

Blizzard employees were always focused on “nerf and buff” every single week FOR YEARS, instead of adding new content. They deserve their game is now dead.

gizmodo in 2024 ladies and gentlemen.

whatever sells more ads for news channels reporting the weather, bring it on!

No Matthew David McConaughey I was like WTF??

None of the developers of the trilogy are still around in the studio, so this was a change of guard message to the old folk. They didn’t care one second about continuing the story as dumb as that sounds. It wouldn’t surprise me if they all read Kathleen Kennedy’s book during development of the game.