
Im glad Kotaku is always FIRST to announce piracy of Nintendo titles, it’s almost like they know where to look...................

It’s gonna be hard to please the current spoiled childish generation, but the older generations will love it and give it full support.

the guy was a fucking nazi working for the “good guys” you think he gave a shit about japanese humans?


correct, they want to force all developers to use their proprietary ad system on all unity games.

“Switch successor might be more akin to the PS4 and Xbox One than to the latest hardware on the market.”
Wish the PS5 and Xbox One was closer to a RTX card but they are closer to a PS4 too.

I think the key is “will Nvidia allow their only console partner to be outshined by the others? I’m sure at least 4k and DLSS will

you saying drag are just costumes? why are you making fun of the community??

the stock owners and producers trying to fill their pockets with part of the budget money, not the audience.

Apple says this every year but most mobile games are about jumping a self moving forward character, that gets boring in one day.

do third parties cables have the ridiculously thin rubber cover that breaks after a few months? I think not!

This is great for people that don’t know anything else other than photoshop, but you would expect a company that has thousands of monthly subscribers would not be dripping new features, there are hundreds of phone apps doing cooler stuff , maybe they ran out of ideas??? are they secretly controlled by Tim Cook?


this is great for tap-the-screen games like Candy Crush or Minions On the Run which will finally get ray traced palm trees or whatever, but any game complex enough for people older than 1 needs buttons, of course Tim Cook looks like he has never played a game in his whole life so he doesn’t know any better “good job

they aren’t actual reporters, they are just friends that got recommended by other staff and start writing articles to fill a quota.

You can’t afford it buddy no need to comment.

they want something in between Chris Pratt and him, probably for tv series + games, so a younger guy needs to be there for the work, this guy will get a check for showing up like Miyamoto does.

if s many people liked it, then it’s should have made billions.

They all have a very well compensated work that gonna set them for life thanks to him and his creativity, so I think he knows what’s best than 99% of gamer designers out there.

Marc Zuckerberg bought Oculus and destroyed VR’s decade long momentum, now he’s actually focused on showing how awkward it really is and not much innovation since the 90's vr.

not really, there were only a couple jedi characters and a couple sith, the rest are normal and that was the good thing. In the prequels it was telling the story why jedi ceased to exist and still not everyone carried laser swords so it was epic when they battled, now that everyone can use them it’s not important