
Hope she has a backup job!

it’s not so simple, it even caused their first civil war, it’s a big part of american culture so it’s never going away.

the problem is unemployed white people actually have time to be reviewing shit and they think it’s against them, but these movies are for people that have jobs and have no time to be reviewing.

the problem is white people don’t visit Disneyland, this is to attract people to Disney+ and make the parks popular, white fellow go overseas with their money, minories visit Disney.

This sound more like a case of overworked employees failing to keep high standards due to work overload.

I wish Blizzard focused on the story mode that they just cancelled instead of constantly talking about how many gay and lesbian characters they got, why always so much focus to the characters sexuality? considering this isnt even a hentai game! it’s turned into a very shitty gossip game without any kind of story to

people taking semaglutide have lost up to 15% of their baseline weight over a year’s time—well above the typical weight loss seen with other medications or lifestyle changes alone.”

If you are losing only 15% of overweight in a year after doing “lifestyle changes” then you are doing a fucking terrible job.

How to stop resellers in a tweet according to Sony

I really want to to play as a transgender Gimli with democratic values, hopefully they are bring ALL the LGBTQIA+- communities

japanese artists in gaming always focusing on detail, meanwhile the stories are super fucking boring. Let’s not say western developers are doing great with promoting their “realistic reloading”, and the single player story mode gets scrapped. I’m sure FF will deliver but look at what happened with Gran Turismo

Sony releases their OWN TITLES on Steam, why would someone expect exclusives on their console, that ship has sailed.

The US will take the lead in electric vehicles and everyone should get one to make the evolution faster.

According to Rolling Stone, Soros’s Open Society Foundation has funded a number of humanitarian causes, and Soros himself is a major Democratic donor. As you may have imagined, this has made him a bit of a villain to folks on the right.”

According to magazines that he doesn’t own, George Soros creates organiations of

he means it got a lot of attention because it was a homosexual romance, it used to translate in awards in the 2010s, just like interracial romance got awards in the 90s, and different nationality romances got awards on the 80s, different social status romance in the 70s, etc...

Weird how games/interactive movies targeted at women, always come from controversial studios with many fired employees during development. Also get a ton of awards which are never heard of again.

A digital game doesn’t exist, a physical game will be a treasure forever, some even get crazy monetary value as time passes.

Bowser steals the show in the movie so of course a Bowser movie with all his children would be huge. Never seen his wife though, is Bowser divorced?

What video game is this about?

The low ratings come because the movie doesn’t follow the current political agenda and the audience loved it, unlike Lightyear got great reviews from those same critics and failed miserably with the audience. Don’t push stuff people don’t want their kids to hear about.

Shakira was also with Louis Hamilton in the evening after the race, she probably was in a massive gangbang Brazzers Style. We will get a Shakira song about it in 2 weeks.