
buying a fucking console isn’t bragging rights, paying for games is how you get respect, thief is a thief no matter how much you tell yourself otherwise.

MTV is still on? what about VH1?

This explains the woke discussion suddenly calmed down, nobody pushing any agenda these days due to reruns!

Now playing

Tons of women act like the worse type of sexual predators and there is no punishment.

too much credit even with Andy Kaufman being full of shit. This kids is worthless.

They fear the technology’s tendency to make up facts and present them as truth could lead to a flooding of misinformation making it even more difficult to determine what’s true.”

You hear that mainstream media? by making up facts and present them as truth could lead to a flooding of misinformation making it even more

why not call it the scum network? its inviting/begging all politicians to join...

why spoil publicly an unreleased game? you got the pirated rom? this is not good.

it’s art, just like making stop motion is harder to make than Unreal engine.

Stanley Kubrick is dead so they can’t really do another moon landing.

Hopefully Apple will be the first with under the skin bank implants so we can get imessage vibrations everytime you rent a digital movie!

This sport is bad for americans because there are not american brands and americans racers, their patriotism just can’t handle it. In reality these races are to bring the mexican audiences that love the sport since the 50s, I’m sure if they had a demolition derby after the race americans would love it but just a race

the unfunny ones.

He chokes up after drinking the martini, if even a martini is too strong for this guy, he is not gonna be the right man.

all these fucking diversity articles and criticism is what turned this game into trash, is there one second americans can’t stop thinking of racism, body issues or trans testicles?


a perfect example! Bayonetta got a huge backlash by the media for the treatment of the voice actor by the male bosses! when she was not being able to get a percentage of sales! which of course was secretly pushed even further by the “wardrobe controversy” to the point that Nintendo had to make a less sexy costume

why does everyone think greeks are white though? Hollywood most famous greek was played by a mexican!

Doesn’t everybody think a famous religious figure called Yeshua from Palestine was a white dude too... even changing his name to something more european like Jesus?

The backlash on electric cars is mostly a politically driven one.