
It’s about making porn the focus on your game, this guy wants to sell crap games with the PLUS OF HAVING NUDE WOMEN ON TOP OF IT. Of course you will get censored, you have to mix it in and not MAKE IT OBVIOUS.

it’s in the “never going to happen” bin

ENDGAME is usually to make Youtube videos: “WATCH HOW I SPENT 70,000 DOLLARS TO BUY THE 9 GEMS AND DEFEAT THE GREAT MAGIC DRAGON!” with a dude with a surprised face on the corner. This game isn’t for you

Add to this their backwards support system, they force you to add name and phone number now but can’t do it yourself, someone in the company has to do it for you so you open a support ticket, theor Twitter say it will take 9 days to get a response from them.

Gael Garcia Bernal is an amazing actor, hopefully they bring even more horror characters to the screen, Universal has been crapping on the classics now it looks like Marvel nailed it!

Trolling articles... never expected that!
or maybe it’s a Ratchet & Clank sponsored post for Sony? who knows!

Expected fishing contest to be very relaxed and meditative, the simple joys in life you know? “call the police!” loooooool

it’s ROMAN backwards since he is from Atlantis.

The LGBTQ+ and WOKE members failed to show up, as simple as that. Why blame people that this movie isn’t even targeted at? Should have been a Netflix movie at most.


The Oil Industry pollution is nothing compared to our use of straws and toilet paper. PLEASE STOP USING STRAWS AND TOILET PAPER!!

That was the plot of another Michael Crichton book Prey, but it wasn’t mixed with Jurassic Park and nostalgia and the new main stars and new ones  and kids and etc etc etc.

Great idea, now wait 25-30 years to make a new one, this “franchise”is just beating a dead horse.

All actors except Rickman did pretty bad thanks to lame writing, he gave much personality to the short appearances of Snape, that he was well liked before the epic finale for him.

It all comes down to this:
Top AAA women love ugly rich men
the AA thinking women love famous + handsome like Adam Levine type
the A super regular women want black men with big dicks no matter how many other women they are banging at the same time, hence the side bitch term.
the B and below women think they are AA and

This is Kotaku dude so stop the “thrist” and “body-shaming” you have to say:

“Are we gonna talk about how EMPOWERED they made the ladies this time?

Yeah but the crazy thing is obviously a misspelling because her parents were probably cokeheads that’s why she grew to make money from being beautiful, it takes a special kind of person to choose that as career.

That Adam Levine sounds like a piece of shit everything he talks and he loves the same type of people he is,

SO he wants the same name with wrong spelling and shit lol

white folks losing their minds started by naming their kids “Summer” fucking hippies, I will name my future son Tik Tok.

gender issues