
is that you Todd McFarlane????

I wish her the best, she is getting fired due to her being a woman, let’s see KOTAKU bring her to work here, this is your chance to show you really care about women in gaming.

hopefully he didn’t sign anything legal, or he will be getting a giant pile of scummy lawsuits

Kotaku is barebones copy of Famitsu but since nobody mentions it, it’s ok.

when you gonna write it? we need good  stories!!!

The hacker is trying to strike a deal with Rockstar right now, though we don’t know what kind. To stop distributing more material? To ensure that the leaker doesn’t get sued?”

oh Luke don’t be naive, this is an obvious crime, they want money to make it go away.

we call it Montreal.

LOL Guess it’s time to start using clean coal?

it’s usually the Sony fans that say how much they love the games running at 30fps, it’s “cinematic”!

“To Microsoft’s credit, they don’t lean in to the worst aspect of such thinking, where value = game length / price.”

YOU guys review games for a living, you don’t care if a game is short at full price, and do complain if it takes 100 hours to complete at your backlog of bought games you have not even started yet.


Square is Sony Jr. what did you expect?

yes, please subscribe

I wonder if Kris Jenner asked for anal scenes and cumshots on her daughter? I bet she has tapes of all her daughters ready to go too lol maybe she directed the Paris Hilton one too!

Such a cool idea but why use it? it has no relation to the story, it has no relation to sound or the creation of Middle Earth, it’s not even based on the music playing on top of it, they wanted to make something organic in the style of game of thrones but more “fancy art and smart”... 

Why not instead do hot melted

The irony that the cities where the hipsters’ paradise is the worse in pollution. So much for their bicycles and priuses. 

Tik Tok is really fast content and usually shows you more of what you are watching so you stay to watch but it’s 90% people talking or joking around, Instagram is mostly beautiful places to visit, expensive lifestyles, angry Karens and car crashes. Facebook is old memes, local ads and people’s rants.

As an artist myself, I mostly watch painting videos, sometimes artsy camera footage (e.g. when ppl try to emulate the film look), other times movie essays. That’s. about. it.”

You are not the audience for it, you barely use the apps and mostly for uploading your own stuff every once in a while so you don’t watch

its not just about comments, its about censoring everyone. Start writing bad about the government they will call you ring wing extremist or left wing extremist and get your articles deleted. 

Ok random person on the internet says James Cameron is gonna make a bad unsuccessful movie, write that down Gizmodo, he said it here!