
They all are chinese so NOBODY is white except a few early villains. All their boss villains are aliens even Piccolo, Bulma is the only japanese character and the only black character is Mr. Popo, japanese are pretty racist towards black people don’t be confused and put rose tinted glasses over it.

Now that James Bond is dead Detective Pikachu is the one that should handle these british affairs

Microsoft and Sony complain about each other exclusives while they could invest and make this a GTA style heist game and make billions from it.  

people talking about games 10%

lol I’m sure army veterans love to see a special unit elite soldier became a rich guy servant.

Pennyworth: The Origin of Batman’s Butler

Warner Bros did the same thing to Johnny “the monster” Depp, it’s how this company works.

They do it to everyone it’s well known in the medium, watch any interview about any WB sequel or series, that’s why Matrix, Fantastic Beasts, Space jam, Joker, Game of Thrones, all Batman directors, etc, etc, they all have said Warner Bros was going to do more sequels with or without the creators on board.

Love the video news format, nice work!

Todd Phillips in 2019 said it: Warner Bros was already begging them or they would do it without him.

it’s a mishmash of Scorcese’s Raging Bull and The King of Comedy for people that have not seen those, doesn’t mean it’s bad but it’s not really original.

the director did not want. The protagonist did not want. The executives want. stockowners want. 

follows a hopeful crew trapped inside the dysfunctional, nonsensical, joyous hellscape of franchise superhero movie-making”

Warner Bros and HBO can’t actually be serious about this.

They date beta idiots so they feel free to do what they want.

displayed a warning message stating that “it had reached the end of its service life.”

Natelie Portman is 10x better actor than Gal Gadot, that’s why she knew what a superhero woman is supposed to be, specially since most instagram models already do it for likes.

$2k? why not $10,000? Apple fails at pricing again.

Of course, he is a lawyer.

You sound like you still think it’s the same site of yesterday. It’s but a zombie site now.

In my opinion, Amber Heard is the best woman this generation can offer!