
Crack jokes all you wish, it’s easy to tell how Nolan’s Batman is different from Snyder’s Batman and the new Batman from Matt Reeves earlier in the year.”

except in Marvel all have either number ones in streaming polls or billion dollar world blockbusters. WB next success is probably Joker 2 and now that’s a coin toss with it being turned into a Lady Gaga musical.

let’s stop because this heated argument should end with us kissing under the rain and right now I have a girlfriend... you win for now.

Mom, it worked for now hyper-popular Guardians of the Galaxy and they are alien costumes and computer characters, they weren’t even popular in the comics! a racoon turned out more likeable than the character played by AAA star Angelina Jolie, who has done many successful action films already.

Chloe Zhao was chosen for

“Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” right? don’t get angry misfit it’s but a single movie in a mutitude of them.

hahaha expected a smart debate but gifs are ok, let me give you a star

It’s not about the sitting, it’s about slowing down the flow of story to discuss their feelings, imagine if Tom Cruise sitting on the fighter jet decided to explain the audience he has mixed feelings about Jennifer Connelly, it’s distracting from the basic plot.

stay in the kitchen? now that’s misogynistic. What I say is that Marvel hired her to make a movie about relationships and that’s what they got sacrificing the action. Everything was focused on who’s dating who and the “rebel son” type characters so there was an excuse to split up the team, which was supposed to become

Eternals was a weird movie. It was too Marvel for Zhao’s fans and too Zhao for Marvel fans”

you said it here, it clashes with the other movies because there was a lot of sitting and table talk, it stops the momentum an action movie needs, making the bad guys look non threatening, if it wasn’t for the celestial

I think they made them so marketing could show them to potential crossovers with ip but Marvel said no.

Superhero films should be directed by men, 99% of men dreamed of having super powers when we were kids, focusing on drama and relationships which is women directors strength is what they wanted on this movie and thats what they kind of got with her.

yes, I worked in customer service for online travel website and we worked with all airlines and we weren’t allowed to return any money except “death of a close relative”, in any other condition you only have 24 hours to cancel. If a flight gets a huge delay the airline will pay for a night in a hotel nearby for the

so it’s turning into a casual gaming machine... that’s disappointing considering the target audience.

he will be in jail, she is the inhouse psychiatrist, so the songs gonna be in his head.

The dude should shut up, never throw the boss under bus specially for such a colossal failure and loss of money by everyone involved. The movies are almost forgotten and people are understanding Kathleen Kennedy and her directors are to blame for everything and losing contracts, they themselves blaming the fans for

there are more important things than video games for them to care, specially since 10x bigger buyouts have happened already.

after all the DC fiasco and their terrible movies, outside of Joker, It’s now all in Amber Heard and Ezra Miller hands

This is something DC movies fans say all the time, it’s ok, Warner Bros tried but messed it up BIG TIME so putting their movies together is actually a detriment.

She lends her plane to everyone OMG LET ME BUY ALL HER MUSIC ON ITUNES!

it wasn’t her, it was the Kardashian clan, thousands of people complain everyday about it, but it was the popularity of there giant accounts that caught attention of the instagram managers.