Dev F

Wait, I misremembered his role in Ghost World. He was the comics store asshole, I wanna say?

When I saw the subject was Healy, the three roles I hoped they’d ask him about were the convenience store asshole in Ghost World, “Officer Daniels” in Compliance, and the pyramid scheme vampire in Angel. It’s funny that of all those, it’s the old Angel ep that made it in.

Netflix is such a juggernaut nowadays that it takes screw-ups like this to remind you that they’re new at this whole entertainment marketing game and don’t really know what the fuck they’re doing.

No, they were all on a standard six-year contract (per the Hollywood Reporter, “the cast is signed for six years”). They were able to renegotiate their contracts after season 2 because the show was such a huge success that it gave the actors some extra leverage, not because the terms had expired.

Police Quest 2 is more fun than the first game, because the main character has gone from patrolman to homicide detective, so the game is centered more around “Follow nitpicky procedural rules so you can find the tiny pieces of evidence that will help you solve a murder!” and less on “Follow nitpicky procedural rules

Here’s a long article from the Digital Antiquarian blog mentioned elsewhere in the comments that discusses the game, which suggests that the Gates hire was primarily a marketing decision intended to court controversy. Though what I most remember is that when Sierra’s in-house magazine discussed the game back when it

Why does this look like Ryan Murphy’s fever-dream vision of how Stanley Kubrick would direct the origin story of a Hitchcock villainess? What the eff does it have to do with Cuckoo’s Nest?

It’s a typo. It should be “Star Magic Jackson,” the Hollywood Sequel Doctor. Studio just brings him in to oversee things when they about to drop a deuce.

No, the review is right. Right now pursuing the mission of the ACLU happens to align with standing against the illiberal horseshit of the Trump administration, but that’s a situational convergence and not the group’s core mission. But all too often The Fight frames the ACLU’s vital work not as rock-ribbed civil

Ugh, what a fucking nightmare. Though I guess I’m grateful that Carruth decided to just out himself as an abusive creep, instead of letting fans continue to wonder why his career never really got off the ground despite his obvious talent.

Esposito basically got the Emmy nomination for I Heard This Show Was Good. His character wasn’t given much to do this year, and as a result he was considerably outshone by the other main characters, but he’s the most recognizable name in the cast in terms of critical acclaim, so if you’re an Emmy voter who didn’t

I just rewatched the voiceover, and it’s not quite that clear-cut. Sarah says:

Yeah, the “didn’t campaign in Wisconsin” complaint is basically inaccurate shorthand for a lot of subtler things Clinton definitely was doing wrong. I heard the same stories about how her campaign was neglecting local get-out-the-vote efforts and whatnot because they didn’t realize how close the election would be.

Skynet also runs the risk of jeopardizing its own future if it goes back too far, though. There’s a fun episode of The Sarah Connor Chronicles where a Terminator is supposed to assassinate a guy in a hotel in the 2010s, but he gets sent back to the 1920s by mistake and accidentally kills the guy who was going to build

Yeah, I didn’t mean to suggest that it was intended as a coherent sociopolitical fable; it’s still an action movie where the good guys have to blow up the bad guys. It’s more just that the film reflected the things that were pinging around the collective unconscious at the time. I think Cameron has even talked about

I always assumed the sequence of events was 1) Skynet queues both the T-800 and the T-1000 to go back in time, 2) the resistance captures the time travel facility and adds Reese and the reprogrammed T-800 to the queue, 3) all four travelers are sent back in time simultaneously, and 4) the resistance destroys the

What I hate most is the stupid fucking “Skynet presets the switch to read-only” scene, which adds a pointlessly literal step to the Terminator’s development as a character, and is inconsistent with the way the T-800s have been presented as far back as the original film, in that the Terminator is obviously learning

That’s interesting, because it always struck me how different this film is from the original—right down to the basic mechanics of the sci-fi universe, which are basically incompatible with the original. It doesn’t really make sense to end one movie with the revelation that time travel has only succeeded in bringing

She did campaign in Michigan and Pennsylvania. In fact, her final major campaign event was a big rally in Philadelphia with her husband, the Obamas, Bruce Springsteen, and Jon Bon Jovi the day before the election.

Wait, isn’t the articles objection exactly the opposite of that? It complains that the story tries to absolve Clinton of responsibility for her own actions by saying that she could’ve been a success “if this MAN hadn’t fucked it all up,” ignoring her own culpability for “her ongoing marriage to an alleged sexual