Dev F

I don’t know how well she would’ve fared with a “normal” Republican as her opponent, but she almost did win against Trump. If Anthony Weiner had been able to keep it in his pants and we hadn’t gotten Her E-Mails 2: Comey the Hall Monitor’s Revenge, she probably would’ve.

If anyone is reading the comments before the review, I suggest . . . maybe don’t read the review? This is the kind of horror movie it’s good to go into pretty cold. It reminds me of Hereditary in that respect—not in its tone or content, but just in the way it pivots halfway through into something totally different

I wonder if Universal realized that it’s easier to maintain social distancing on a film set if the main actor in every scene is a dog.

Yep. One of the most improbable and inspired voice-acting choices of all time was Billy West deciding to play Nixon’s head as if he were a werewolf.

“TGS Hates Women” is probably my favorite 30 Rock episode of all time. A lot of great sitcom episodes have a brilliant A plot and then some dumb, time-wasting B story that everyone forgets about, but this one has Tina Fey vs. Cristin Milioti in one storyline and Alec Baldwin vs. Chloë Moretz in the other. Just

That’s the frustrating thing. It would almost certainly be better for everyone if more people felt free to express gender variance without medical intervention. But because that notion is being put forth by the people who argue that we need bathroom police to stop men from changing their gender identity to assault

I assume he said “my movie” to distinguish it from Joss’s version, which, as the article points out, did not have the character of Cyborg at its heart.

It sounds like the Snyderinos have been discussing rumors about Joss’s shittiness among themselves for quite some time and think they know what Fisher is referring to. But since I’m not in that circle—so far out of it, in fact, that I’ve never seen Justice League at allit’s pretty inscrutable to me.

Yeah, a John Doe lawsuit. Though he probably has firmer legal ground to stand on than Nunes, since he’s arguing “I have evidence that someone is wrongfully accusing me of heinous crimes in a malicious attempt to ruin my reputation” and not “Someone said mean things about my political opinions.” It’s probably a legal

I don’t love everything about that episode—to me it simultaneously felt a little too broad and a little too small, changing a historical presidential election into a snoozy Midwestern governor’s race—but I never fail to crack up at the scene where Bill Hader as Not!Carville is dickering over the length and defamatory

I think I’m one of the only people who hates book 5 more than book 4, because at least book 4 was pitched as sort of an interlude where the characters lick their wounds and reflect on their losses. Book 5 was supposed to kick the story back into gear, but it’s every bit as rambling and pointless as its predecessor—and

Yeah, as a white dude I always saw it as sort of like someone else’s wedding anniversary—i.e., It’s clearly important to you, but also clearly your thing and not mine, so I guess I’m not expected to keep close track of it.

I mean, it’s not not about COVID, in the sense that all the other issues probably wouldn’t have come to a head if the theater were currently open and bringing in the moolah. I’m not that plugged into the Chicago improv scene, but the iO strikes me as the kind of place that would be especially susceptible to crashing

Yeah, it’s hard to imagine any modern actor pulling off Columbo, since it requires such a specific laundry list of qualities few famous actors have. The character has to be rumpled and unassuming, working-class but not in a macho way, shrewd but always capable of hiding it. Ruffalo is a common suggestion, and I can alm

The idea that suddenly allowing a person to use the appropriate bathroom for their gender is going to empower some vast horde of rapists previously held in check by a little door sign is ludicrous.

Judd Apatow has made his share of overlong movies, but none as languorously paced as his latest comedy of delayed adulthood and life crisis, The King Of Staten Island.

Except that it’s a ridiculous objection in this particular case, because changing the headline to “Creating a More Equal Post-COVID-19 World for Women” would omit the central topic of the article. Sure, the actual headline is a little awkward, but I’m hard pressed to think of an alternative that isn’t. “For Women Who

Great thoughts. It’s also important to note that Bob’s insistence that he’s the super-special one who has to fix things all on his own is presented as the character’s principal weakness, which provokes Buddy’s initial turn to villainy and later allows him to fall into Syndrome’s trap.

The sense I get from the trailer is that the new series is still about defending someone wrongfully accused of a crime—when the struggling woman in the black veil is being thrown into the back of a police wagon, it’s not framed as if it’s a good thing!

Yep. And since Barth is only credited with writing a single episode of The Simpsons, I assume that means he wasn’t a member of the writing staff, so he probably never knew he wrote the gags that were added to the script after he turned in his draft.