......Donald Trump is a live human........reportedly, or at least according to the court, so is Ted Cruz....
......Donald Trump is a live human........reportedly, or at least according to the court, so is Ted Cruz....
.....Is Kyle gender-fluid? Sexuality-fluid? Bernie-fluid????
......is that Andy Gibb leading the squad?
....albert’s just another “straight” guy counting the ways that he “doesn’t” find ryan attractive.....lol
Trump’s new hat: Make America Fist Again!
.....you mean the Deadspin guys don’t know the Jezzies are roidin’ dykes???
......to be fair, Kate doesn’t know that she was with Storm Models for 28 years......
.....is that a crown on his head?
.....when, exactly, is gay privilege supposed to kick in? Is it scheduled for this year??...........
.........I sometimes fist to Simon & Garfunkle’s “Hello Martha My Old Friend”..........but only on sad days.....
.....do Gawker readers know that “expat” means “living out of country”, and that, to the chagrin of all Americans, Texas sadly remains a part of the U.S.?.....
.....(spread legs, unwad panties)........
.....Eileen, this is such a well-informed, insightful comment, that I am considering forgiving you for being such a whore that night with Mrs. Choate........
....I thought his MJ impersonation and his somewhat original hairstyle constituted what the YOUNG find “cutting edge”???......
.....cultural note (true): When Hispanics from Latin America move into a place here that comes with a dishwasher, they use it as an extra cabinet.....they consider it the HEIGHT of Gringo Laziness that we can’t wash our own dishes.....I’M GOING TO AGREE......this is why you’re FAT.......Okay, I’m done......
.....as blows Rosario, so blows.....
.....I love that insider perspective......just a plebe here....
....of course, the too-rich Irony of all this is that the hottest ticket on Broadway is for a show full of black people pretending to be white....
.......but was “fucking” an adjective or a verb?
.....an oxymoron if ever there were one.....