.....I have some dark chocolate-covered cranberries, but they’re not from TJ so I guess I don’t exist....at least MY chocolated fruit isn’t toxic....
.....I have some dark chocolate-covered cranberries, but they’re not from TJ so I guess I don’t exist....at least MY chocolated fruit isn’t toxic....
.....read this as, “Maybe they can detonate ‘em.....”
.....It’s Whole Foods’ whiny, ignored Lil Brother....
.....welcome to the Late Dank Memes Burial.....
....by the end of the flick, the litany of your regrettable life choices is right there on screen rolling with the credits.........
....oh Lord........I had just about forgotten about Secret Bangs.....
......WHOA! ....those are some rockin’ locks......
...... “lustrous” is the word you’re looking for......
.......yes, but do you fantasize about Justin?
.......we also get Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders.......the only two hotties were roadkill.....sigh....
....that first step is important.....
.....thank God Canuck guys are bi.....one day, Justin, un jour.......
.....so now you have to pay to look aged??
.....it was half-off.....she found it in the remaindered bin.....it’s vintage....it’s gently worn.....
......lol......evil, yet delicious.....
......the only time I know I’ve seen him was in one the Final Destination movies........vaguely remember he was cute, but WTF? Life shouldn’t have been THAT hard for him........someone needs to give him Renee’s number......
.....I get those for free after a late night on the town.......in Spain they’re called “ojeras”.....
.....should women embrace the work they’ve had done? Perhaps a T-shirt saying, “Yes, I have”.....or does the new face already say that??
....which one is Heidi? Melania?
......that bird is a shill for yet another BirdPAC......