Devan Yates

I am a POC. Explain to me how single-payer health care, free college, and demilitarization of police forces don’t help us. Explain to me why it’s bad politics to emphasize these types of policies in a campaign where most of the voters aren’t POC. Explain to me why its even ethically wrong to try and help minorities

Tulsi Gabbard has been in office since 2013. Did she not take the oath of office on the BG then?

I think we all know Snopes has been in the pocket of Trump for a while now.

I think I understand where you’re coming from. In a lot of ways, it’s an apples to oranges comparison, but I stand by my claim. 

Pop is far better.

No way. Football is a turn based strategy game. Basketball is real-time strategy. It’s like chess vs. war. The former is inherently easier than the latter.

Disagree. He was a cop—not only a cop, but an MP—the burden of proof falls on him to demonstrate that he is not a bitchass. In the meantime, I’m going with bitchass.

To be fair, that’s going back really far. Henry Wallace, I think.

1. Rolling Rock.

God. What an impacted asshole you are.

Of course there have been candidates as equally qualified. LBJ was a Congressman, a Senator, a bureaucrat, the Majority Leader of the Senate, and a Vice President. Nixon had a similar resume. FDR was a state senator, the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and the Governor of New York. Gerald Ford was in the House for

A lot of people might say she’s wooden, or uncharismatic, and that’s all probably true to an extent, but I don’t think that’s what drives the mistrust and disdain for HRC. A lot of politicians are both of those things--Mitch McConnell anyone?

Dammit Nolan! You’re one magnificent redheaded sonofabitch.

You nailed it. A Google search shows that Zohra is indeed very beautiful. Meanwhile, the judge looks like a hung over toad.

Lol. If you didn’t like the regular version of a movie that was way too long and way too melodramatic, check out one that’s longer!

It is garbage, for the reason the article points out, but also because no nominations for Jake Gyllenahall or Rene Russo for Nightcrawler. That was a damn good movie.

Dude, how do you know what Bill Gates used to tip pizza delivery guys?

I agree, to a large extent. I don't like it when white people decide that since they avoid the word (which has a different contextual meaning when a white person uses it), that they can get all bent out of shape when a black person uses it. All the same, I don't use the word, and I won't allow my black children to