Well wouldn’t work for people wanting to try it on. You could hit a button, start putting stuff out, and hit another as you begin putting it back. If the weight is off the max, alarm. Or you could just take out one piece at a damn time.
Well wouldn’t work for people wanting to try it on. You could hit a button, start putting stuff out, and hit another as you begin putting it back. If the weight is off the max, alarm. Or you could just take out one piece at a damn time.
And RC planes for my boyfriend. Everyone assumes drone, and more parks are banning anything flying. :/
Aside note, thank you for being a foster parent and an advocate for those who need one. Obviously irrelevant to this clustsrf—k, but thank you regardless.
By putting the kids in juvie. Totally a fucking appropriate response.
Ex fucking actly.
You forgot the bestworst one.
Still on Google Music but so are a bunch of local acts who aren’t on Spotify. I wonder if the terms are marginally better there.
Maple syrup too.
My brother refused to be assigned back to Indiana after he finished up an assignment there, and that was a *big* reason why. He heard the n word more times in those few months than the rest of his life combined.
Agreed. This day and age you straight up can’t “reinvent” yourself without knowing you’ll be called out. Especially to this degree. So yes, the fraud is fucked up - but so was the woman who pretended to be a 9/11 victim. Psychologically it’s intriguing at the very least. I can be pissed at the fraud and realize…
Eh, nope. Just someone with perspective.
You are. I came of age very shortly after that, and despite effort can’t fathom the appeal. Very dated
Eminem hasn’t been alive for 50 years, so way to go on that stupid comparison metric. Compare similar points of career or kindly stfu (saying, again, as someone who respects both)
Truth be told IMHO they end up in a tie for me. Not a fan girl of either, but respect both and neither deserves the stupid knee jerk write off reactions that the mere mention solicits. Eminem is absolutely a fucking fantastic lyricist. Dylan was fucking fantastic at songwriting. Why not both, etc.
Good on your friends for having that choice, and agreed, they need a kick. SO and I don’t do that crap (I’m typing this on an Nexus with a broken screen; SO has an older model he just uses with wifi), but we can’t pull ahead because of stupid life (one screwed up tooth has cost me $580 with insurance; our pet bunny…
My old neighbor 5 blocks away was *just* telling me she’s seen them this week. We haven’t seen one (outside now), and her yard is a crazy wild awesome space (and she’s not the only one) whereas 5 blocks and 1 5 lane road away it’s far more prim and proper. I’m slightly worried now (and if worries are proven true I’ll…
Starred only for Page hate. So deserved. Pretty templates, though. None of which ever being exactly what I needed, but pretty.
$7 here. Technically $3.50 since SO and I work opposite schedules so we rarely clash (and when we do, I just go to downloaded only). Could be better but amount of music + offline use + price, I’m staying. Radio stations have been getting way better too (I remember when they were total crap - but we listened for hours…
Take that, Guernica!