
clap....clap....clap. I'm no nudey hater or prude, but the utter shamelessness in society does bother me sometimes. How easily people will do anything for money. It's nice to see someone still saying they have a limit on what they will do.

I think this is just an ads-lite version to ease people into the idea of ads since Twitter has been ad free. At some point they HAVE to introduce ads from companies you don't follow for the ad strategy to make them money.

Of all the places on the Internet where ads are so obvious and in your face, Twitter is probably the least intrusive. If you're following even as little as 40-50 people who are active tweeters, you timeline is already a deluge of over information. An ad will basically be lost in there. And it's not like its a blinking

Bulgaria probably doesn't have many smoke detectors or other safety standards for homes I think, so if these women came here and saw a smoke detector they'd seen maybe once or twice in their life at some restaurant, i'm sure they really wouldn't be initially bothered with wires coming out of them or placed in corners.

is there some place we can go see the recorded pictures and videos so I can more vehemently express my outrage at such an atrocious act.

If you have more than one computer, I think its a worthwhile investment to get a NAS like a windows home server. I started with one external hard drive for my media, ended up with 6 connected to my mac mini htpc in living room which was a mess. moved everything to a NAS. Best thing ever. All my videos and music can be

i think its a well made ad. yes, in the vein of all the cutesy trendy ads being made right now, and certainly not the first, but doesn't make it any less interesting. I don't think its cute, its smart.

they don't include new york because that is a helluva busy and rich city. Jetblue would lose ridiculous amounts of money if all your business travellers instead of buying individuals tickets for hundreds of dollars could suddenly travel at only $1500. Plus flights would always be full only the veyr lucky who booked in

I'd read it just so you can tell everyone when the movie comes out "man the books were sooooo much better"

Its all about exposure, and yes its disturbing that he was so calculated about it that despite knowing he was embarking on a killing spree he clearly laid out a detailed plan of how to ensure his publication spreads to everyone.

thanks for bringing this insane madmans affiliation with Microsoft and Word to my attention. I'm now boycotting Word. In fact, i'm boycotting Microsoft..always knew they were evil. Come to think about it, i read somewhere he was a Christian. By affiliation all christians must be insane. They will no longer be my

Ones mans Open Design is another mans Garbage Design. I wouldn't even wish this design upon an illiterate homeless man in one of our enemy states. It looks like a big blob of white with text all over. comments and replies are inseparable from article or from one another.

wasn't the whole idea behind wp7's goal of a unified OS between all manufacturers with NO changes or skins allowed that MS could push out these updates in a timely manner, also taking carriers out of the loop to not allow fragmentation? In which case, sure I can see why theres a delay of months between RTM and new

that picture is going to give me nightmares

Maybe he switched over from windows because the pop out cup holder on his pc broke and he finally decided to go apple.

I'm not a privacy nut, but I find it hard to believe that google "accidentally" recorded all that wifi info and now this. Isn't streetview just a camera mounted on a car driving around? Why do they have a program to collect any kind of wireless data, other than the gps location. Doesn't it require a different set of

why does it matter what people are doing with their own phones on their own time?? Why do we as society have a need to label things and blow them out of proportion. Did teens not make out behind the gym back in the day? did we label it? i dont think so. teachers and parents dealt with it. they couldn't stop it, but

If you want to use your mac mini as an HTPC, which is what i think alot of the purchases are for, why would you even want a second hard drive internally, unless you want an SSD and HDD combo in there. For media storage, and any serious htpc usage, 1 tb won`t get you very far and ultimately you would have to opt for

they gotta write about SOMETHING. I`m just happy i haven`t read an article titled `silver aluminum mac mini plain outside, lots of small stuff inside we discover!!`

is "Collaring" or "shocking" going to be the next fad after planking?