
is there some way on chrome for osx or any browser really for mac, to default to html videos when available, such on on youtube, vimeo, etc, which already have iphone ipad compatible videos. I`m not a flash gamer, only really use it rarely, would like to disable it since any site i can imagine using with flash alreayd

it looks like the jabba the hut of dslr`s.

I`m one of those people that for a very long time was always snooping around. But i`ve realized it does more harm than good. Alot of times things get taken out of context, or you only get half the story, and most of the time because you don`t want to admit you were snooping, you cant even bring up the topic with that

it should be pretty obvious it was written by gizmodo guest writer Yoda. Or a 12 year old. Your guess.

Correction. Get a girlfriend and see how crazy she`ll make you.

yeah he probably killed them afterwards so copycats wouldn`t have access to their considerable talents in sand carving

"four-fingered-but-not-the-pinky hand explosion to clear to the desktop"

# of people complaining, utterly distraught and up in arms about a new facebook change, in this case chat: 87,558,823

considering most phone company call centers are minimum wage operations, and maybe some of them even outsource them to poorer countries, i'm quite certain if you're an enterprise like NOTW which makes hoardes of money from this snooping, and not just some hacker trying to access a one off mailbox, the simplest way

didnt you just post about how to get one the other day, without the need to follow you on twitter?

To be clear the iPhone app does NOT allow streaming for free users. If you're a premium or unlimited user then it's all good though.

tried logging in 4-5 times and finally it appeared. so this still works.

i created a UK account, then when i go to US site, go to premium sign up, then login, i login and it takes me back to the home page, but i see nothing up top about continue to maybe theyve already removed this?

but iwhatevers don't even have infrared, how would they communicate with this thing? maybe theres also bluetooth/some kind of wireless tech, or maybe a dock connector infra red communicator for idevice?

You know what's going to be even more clogged than the roads that day? The airport. It will probably be faster to walk

did you upgrade from a 486 dx2 66 mhz to a c2d or something ? :)

all these rumour posts regarding mac airs, pros, etc, should have really been condenced into one post a couple of weeks ago. "Any combination of the mac airs, pros, mini's, could be updated in coming weeks".

mind boggling. maybe i'm a minority here, but i catch a glimpse of porn and well, sexual arousal is guaranteed. are these people watching porn for the pure aesthetics of it, gaining no sexual pleasure in the process? otherwise watching porn at work can only be an uncomfortable act of self abuse.

not to forget that they were rewritable, which was another awesome feature.

at some point they did in fact play mp3's, but you are right, sony did miss an opportunity by not introducing that early on, and only allowed you to use atrac 3, which meant transcoding all your tracs, and at computers at the time, that meant more complicated than just drag and drop and copy. When sony did introduce