
I disagree with you Jesus.yes steve jobs has engineered the apple turnaround and the most visionary CEO our generation has seen. But I don't agree that apple is nothing without him. Saying apple is nothing without steve jobs is like saying Goldman Sachs is nothing without Lloyd blankfein, or dell is nothing without

Bravo, star man, for speaking the words us voiceless starless people can only yearn of speaking (since they get moved to #devnull)

Isn't this a libelous stretch of the imagination gizmodo?? Yes it's a coincidence, but since when is offering a discount on bulk purchases a sign of stolen goods to get stuff sold quicker? By that same logic, because gizmodo, with its millions of viewers daily, just advertised the seller better than he could have done

As if this bit coin thing wasn't already confusing I just got even more confused after reading that link about the bit coin miner with brain damage. What do you mean he was "mining" it?? Is it like some algorithm you have to run which is very complicated but based on dedicating enough CPU cycles you get bit coins? So

Its mainly due to quality/standard of living and affordability. Canadians can afford more, thus they're price gouged to pay more. It's like how the British pound is worth more yet the same thing costs gbp300 there vs $300 here. Technically they're paying twice as much, but they earn twice as much as well when you

Ann hathaway is superhot, but i just can't imagine she'd make a good catwoman, or work well in any superhero flick really.

If people didn't believe the rumors, sites wouldn't believe them, and gizmodo would have about half as much content as it does right now since recently half the articles here have been of an even lower quality than rumors, i.e articles telling us how horrible the rumors are.

Yes, thats what I was saying, while the big three credit ratings might not be useful for accuracy or guaging outlook, the reason they are useful is because of the investment criteria as well as CDS payouts. A downgrade would trigger exit out of these securities theoretically, causing yields to increas due to massive

I just don't get how hollywood, with its love for money and super franchises and prequels and sequels, sometimes squanders away such amazing opportunities to rejuvenate a franchise by giving it to unknown directors. I was hoping this would be directed by someone with a bit more directorial skill than Zack snyder. From

it MIGHT mean alot more just to the chinese, but not to the rest of the world. That rating might even be reflective of the US true capacity to pay, more so than moody's etc, who have political concerns to worry about more than the chinese, so the chinese rating would certainly be more independent.

You're thinking they were procrastinating or lazy, cutting it so close to the deadline. In reality, they were playing chicken. The debt deal had to pass 100%, both sides knew it, and both were ultimately going to pass it, in one shape or another because without it the US would have technically defaulted and downgraded

Like another commenter, I automatically always tip 20%. The problem I find where I am, Toronto, is that waiting staff has a sense of entitlement, a tip isn't considered a reward for good service, it's expected to be automatic. If a place charges 18% automatically then I think it's slightly immoral, but the level of

Matt have you made it a personal mission to complain about yelp every couple of months, or have youvbeen ordained the anti-yelp messiah??

In yet more exciting news, super secret thing being tested super secretively and remains super secret for now *egad*

in other exciting news, car makers are testing new 2012/2013 models RIGHT NOW. Also, Korean electronics makers are no longer relying on magic, waiting for handsets to magically appear in stores on release dates. Rather, they are actually, like, testing their phones that are going to be released this year and next

dude if i was you i'd rather be playing the lottery right now, or run for cover and hide under a bed at the first signs of clouds.

i thought getting hit by lightening was a low probability event, but from the comments it seems out of 20 approximately 4 are about getting hit by lightening. Not representative, but I always thought it was a rare enough occurrence that you heard about it, but never knew anybody directly or indirectly that had gone


good luck convincing them that you don't *actually* listen to this shitty embarrassing music, but that you went through all these elaborate steps just to trick them into listening to horrible music. my guess is, if they don't stop being friends with you based on your bad choice in music, then they'll definitely stop

can you reference where else she may have exposed her nipplies on on the big screen? for academic research purposes only of course.