
maybe its because I've never used WP7, but in all its pictures it looks skewed due to the huge arrow on the right side, seems like alot of wasted space. In alot of screen shots i've seen it seems like a big chunk of the right side of the screen is taken up by this arrow. Isn't it odd, for those of you who own wp7

Lighters are a bit of grey areas. There are times when I've been allowed them, only to be confiscated next time, once I had to give up the lighting mechanism and keep the case, only to be allowed them again when I volunteered to give up my bic. I fly enough to have noticed a pattern of inconsistency. I think it all

isn't this like trying to sleep with a girl, who doesn't sleep with you, and then going and spreading rumors?? its her startup, if she feels its better served by announcing it quicker than the rumor are released, well its a business/marketing/personal decision of HER company. How can arrington possibly be pissed off

I believe theres still room for RIM in this world, with lots of RIM jobs to go around for everybody. But it will require them to really recapture some of their past glory and make some huge changes.

Hahaah OFFENSE budget. YOU should be on tv.

Yes and by now I feel that's exactly the intended purpose. The more the world hates us, the more justified we are to wage these lengthy drawn out endless wars to protect the ordinary population which constitutes 95% of Americans, the more we can line the pockets of the 5% of the population that has enough money

But then how would they justify a budget that includes cooling the troops AND development in Afghanistan. Ever heard of someone asking for a smaller budget?? I never have.

first of all, i don't think its that CREATING unique passwords is a pain, after all, how difficult is it to come up with "hf39&jf$#+hg&" which is probably the safest when it comes to brute force attacks, which use dictionaries, and then go onto random combinations. Its that remembering all these passwords would be a

100% agree with that transition from lawyers CEOs to office monkeys with bb's. Happened In front of my eyes, and now the next evolution is all the kids with bb's. Because of that transition within the business world and consumer demand spiking rim has had a great couple of years, but problem is when something isn't

greatest for some kind of performance reasons? functionality? because of the ergonomic shape which somehow cradles your hand like a baby in a womb? because its durable and long life? please define.

I'm pretty sure the big four didn't just blindly accept the terms of the agreement. Beyond the 150m initial payment, they probably get some on going revenue as well from this. Its better than the absolutely nothing they get right now from piraters, or those ripping old cd's themselves.

It would be interesting to see a chart of the spike in sales apple got previously in their back to school sales vs this year. But yeah i do agree, an ipod is tremendously more useful, mentally people would use that to offset the higher cost of an apple computer to justify the purchase.

thing is, in the real world such a negative change in a successful promotion would certainly be evident to a company by comparing their expected, past years, and current years sales. In apple world though, I'm sure alot of people have been waiting for this promo by holding off on purchasing. Now with a promo not close

At this point I can tell a Sam biddle article by just it's title and first couple of lines. It's like this dude worked for a tabloid before gizmodo.