
I like it alot. But it DOES have a certain prison'ish look to it.

Sorry i meant IF infact they did steal the code then it doesn't matter if an app got rejected due to violating TOS i think.

yeah me too. although i think the smarter thing for him, if he has a case, would have been for him to sit hush hush on it, let ios release openly, along iwth iphone 5. then after their gazillions of sales, to sue them because they obviously profited from his code without compensating him. As it stands, maybe right

I'm not sure if you necessarily require a copyright. I could be wrong but i'd like to know the answer from a lawyer. But for example with patents, if someone already has an idea, even if its not patented, another person can't file a patent for it. I would assume something similar in copyright law.

There are in fact laws protecting "ideas", as much as we might disagree with them, even though this was more than an idea, and potentially actual code. Remember RIM and that company that bilked them out of nearly a billion dollars based on their patents for "a short messaging system that instantly sends a message to

The good news is, for instapaper atleast, that ios 5's read it later just serves as a bookmark really. Infact now that i think about it thats all it does, adds a bookmark to a special read later section. It doesn't save it for offline. atleast in beta.

This isn't about how good he is, or having made half a mil. To me its not even about the logo, but rather about the actual code. Its about another company using his code (if infact they use the same code) to monetarily profit from it without compensating him.

for providing a platform for selling the product and payments to their customers. its like saying a landlord doesn't deserve rent from a restaurant cos well, its not like the landlord did anything to create the restaurant which actually makes and sells the food.

well even if it was against their TOS and got rejected, doesn't give apple the right to steal the code (unless there was a specific clause in the developer agreement or something)

So I'm not sure about how copyright law works on programs and code, but i have read about countless numbers of people suing other companies for infringing on their software code. I believe even if technically you don't trademark/copyright your code or whatever, there are still rules preventing other people form

I'm guilty of the same over reactionary tendencies to alot of minor quibbles, such as this, but I always wonder how much more I would enjoy things if i didn't give a fuck about these minor annoyances. yes, its bothersome for example to see someone texting, and its distracting, but we work ourselves into such frenzies

I look forward to the next installments in this series of articles. How to eat without drooling all over yourself, and how to pee without wetting yourself.

I thought Chrome if anything was the most efficient of the browsers and lightest in terms of memory use?? i used firefox for a long while, and had a dozen or so tabs open generally at any time, and id have to do a restart every day. On the other hand, while chrome feels faster, and quicker generally, i had to do alot