
yeah thats true, i never really paid attention to that aspect really that china is funding them, and i haven't really come across any references to that but i'm sure you're right about where they get their funding from.

oh and if you're talking about where they get money from or why anybody gives them money despite them making losses, well like i said, the bankers and venture capitalists look at it as a potential money machine, and in order for that potential to come true, you have to take the risk of investing in them now despite

Its like crack. give them a taste, get them hooked, and then you can really get their business.

smart. very smart. put china in first place. make results look credible, and give the hard working people of the country something to aim for...being #1. Two birds with one stone. That kim jong il is a crafty statesman.

@CaptainJack: finance is increasingly about future potential cash flows, with less and less emphasis on current income. Which is why you're looking at 60b$ for FB, a Billion for linkedin, billions for twitter, etc. its all about eyeballs, the potential market, and current market. Bankers froth at the mouth when they

Hey man you don't really think you can get to a position of power by actually KEEPING your promises do you.

The aspect ratio issue I think is couple of things. 16:9 theoretically works, but realistically in tablets does not. If you remember the rumors of iPad one, everybody pretty much assumed it was 16:9 as no other aspect ratio would make sense. And when it was released with 4:3 there was an uproar, me included, about how

Of all the things that scare me, freefalling trapped in a plane is the one thing that has always scared the living beejeezuz out of me. As someone that travels alot on long distance flights, i'm pretty fearless about flying but i've had a couple of times when the plane seems to suddenly descend for a split second with

One is an internationally recognized award winning novelist and writer with a wide variety of experiences. The other is an incoherent rambling "well-known" DC Area (!!) rapper who has probably never travelled past Maryland. Hmmm...boof for the win.

well after reading a couple of your posts i certainly see which camp you stand in. Did you go spit in some muslims face while drinking and dancing at ground zero? cos you know, thats what they all deserve right.

@Zaos: "la dee da, look at me and how different i am; and by extension my taste and personality must be superior to yours since i like white, which is a colour different from the normal colour of all other gadgets out there if you haven't noticed yet"

@Justin: iphone and iphone lightspeed.

@mdtusz: we won't believe you until you dig up your actual posts where you made the alleged statements.

@CHiZZy: i don't think anybody is crying or whining or complaining, its just analysis and hopes and wants of the delays, releases etc.

@Apotheosis: I do agree with your write-up, but one more issue. While i'm not certain about this, doesn't apple generally demonstrate the new ios a couple of months before the new iphone announcement, followed by release of the phone and OS in couple of weeks? i think generally around march/april it shows the new ios

well i actually did try that, restore, then sync. but what happens is when i press sync it jsut says backing up, and then says finished sync. I know i can go into apps, music, photos, etc and choose what i want to install, which is fine. But how do i get my sms'es back (most important), or different mail account

It was actually a 3GS. I used to have a 3G, then a 3GS, then another 3GS. Along the way i used all kinds of JB's, first from dev team, then the other teams, along with the unlocks, and my non technical mind thinks because i was basically using the same backup from the start, and some JB material obviously gets backed

@Hello Mister Walrus: I don't think apple grabs this file off your phone or backup, cos that would be troubles. This is more of a "its being done against my will" or "what if someone gets a hold of my phone and sees my visits to the Whips, Chains and Leather Lounge" issue.

@TomXP411: windows? secure? snicker snicker.

This tracking thing doesn't bother me too much beyond the matter of principle. In fact when i first read about it, i thought cool, i can now have a time lapse graphic of my escapades around the world. Imagine seeing this for 5, 10 years or a lifetime. That would be awesome. Even more awesome would be ability for a