
apple?? back down?? i simultaneously wish we did and didn't live in that universe.

so are they transcoding in H264 AND webm, or JUST webm?? if its jsut webm then how will we play any of the new videos on ios?

you know, i always denied those crying foul over gizmodo's incessant apple bias, but i gotta say, this is disturbing. On the release of the BB Playbook, the PB gets a one liner headline, while this 3D craplet gets a full image headline, and theres are about half a dozen random apple stories. I would have expected a

has RIM made any kind of announcements at all on the developers they've signed up? I don't mean the majority niche apps they have in app world for BB, but proper developers that can give th platform a boost, like skype, VOIP software (which i still dont understand why it never happened on BB), video chat stuff,

@Arcane: more contribution to boots on the ground = more contribution to pointless killing. As for how war used to be, yeah war used to be bloody, but it used to have a clear objective. Destroy. Conquer. Expand. It was never some conflict for resources, strategic depth, and regime change masked as humanitarian

@ttyymmnn: and to me, this paltry sum just shows the non-seriousness of the issue to them. Basically someone out there is trying to cover their ass. if they ever get asked a question by some congressional hearing committee if anything was done to reduce collateral damage, someone in a uniform could say, oh yeah, look

@Hello Mister Walrus: no, probably just that they should have smarter allocation. I'm sure if they buy just one less drone or jet fighter they could increase the purse on this thing or put some serious research into solving the issue.

At this point I gotta say....who the hell cares. I have a feeling even you guys know it's not happening but feel compelled to report any rumor on it no matter how small or unsubstantiated.

so are you saying its rumored to be delayed by a month from the initial launch date of april 19th, or that april 19th is now the date for release after it was delayed by a month?

i've put a stop to me even stepping inside an ikea to accompany a friend unless I really already know what i'm buying. Yeah i'd walk out with extra stuff even when i knew what i wanted, but when i went even just to accompany a friend i'd walk out with plants, shelving, a floor lamp, or some other crap like that.

@Dexomega: I think that lockbox would basically be a big large "Steal me i'm holding precious cargo" sign to anybody thats into that sort of thing. I live in Toronto in a safe neighbourhood, lots of traffic, and the UPS/Fedex guy once told me they sometimes don't even leave a "we were here" notice since they've had

@Windhawk: yeah i've always wondered why they don't do that. Makes alot more sense than sending it back 40 miles to their sorting facility in some remote town only to attempt and miss delivery again the next day. I think the UPS stores are independently operated only UPS branded thus they prob dont want to take

since when did gizmodo become a gadget talk site?!

this is whats wrong with society. "yeah i know it really reealllly hurts if i get shot, and i sure as hell wouldn't want to get shot, so you know what, i'm going to go shoot someone else".

@Hamsteaks: 3 days without a charge?? i have a 3gs, dont use push/pull email, and on moderate use - hardly 20-30 mins of voice, checking my email 1-2 times an hour, and messing around phone during work day (no games) - i get to about 30% by 5-6 pm. I've even goten it exchanged a couple of times and have similar

if using WP7 software, wouldn't they be using the default font? Are manufacturers allowed to change the font; as far as I know, its a take it or leave it affair with WP7. Is this part of the microsoft/nokia deal to allow nokia to customize the software? if so, i think its great since nokia will be allowed to put its

I dont know what to believe anymore. yesterday it was app of the day. today its shit implied by "less-shit". consistency is overvalued anyway.

Since when is one story an appropriate sample??? Comeon man have some objectivity. Yes, there's censorship in china, no doubt it goes beyond what we imagine, yes we'd like it to end, but this is not diligent reporting at all and is once again sensationalized. I haven't read the original article, but atleast those guys

uhhhh....isn't this akin to inciting negative sentiment against a certain ethnicity and thus VERY racist in nature?? I realize you might see the specifics as important and not racist, but maybe this should be about PEOPLE lining up, and giving their ipads to someone in a BMW, who then ship it INTERNATIONALLY.