
tried it, wouldnt work. cydia wouldnt show up neither would loader. so then i used redsnow to install cydia after i used GP (tried GP atleast 6-7 times). it jailbreaked, installed cydia, and suddenly the loader from GP is now there (just in time...NOT). restarted, and lo and behold it reboots untethered.

Despite not having diligently read up on this interference thing, the argument for "might" seemed flawed to me a while ago. After all, if it was that dangerous or even remotely so flight staff would manually have to make sure everything was off. As it is most people dont even turn off cellphones blackberries they

i bought a duracell flashlight from dubai, its an LED light, the bigger police type not the small ones, made of metal, charging base, etc, for $50, and it was AMAZING. i didn't think id ever get amazed by a flashlight but this did it. at night turning it on you could send a batsignal into the sky that could be seen

@Homer Berkowitz: Considering how many plastic bags are out there to begin with I'm sure an initial reduction of say 10% wouldn't be discnible immediately.

@badbob001: Muuuccchhhh cooler I think. I have 4 in a media server and it seems fan never goes above speed 1 of 3 and feel cool too. You can read reviews online of the drives and temperature they run at and there's a difference.

@p51d007: If you articulated your thoughts better you might get your point across. As it is you sound paranoid delusional.

I think the point isn't the 5.43 you save as an individual but the massive environmental benefit if evybody used green whatever. Additionally it's about a drive that stays cooler thus lasts longer if using in desktop and battery life and cooler operations in a laptop.

@jetRink: I'm sure the Egyptians already hold the US partially responsible as the current dictatorship was infact placed there by the US. Additionally, Egypt is the second largest recipient of US aid in the world, second only to Israel. I'm sure part of that aid is for arms which the Egyptians can only buy from the

@m57: Im not sure you can blame this on the china and Russia boogiemen. It is infact the USA or other western imperial powers that have propped up most of the dictatorships in the world in their one geopolitical interests, not china or Russia.

does number porting work for canadian google voice users?

as someone that just bought a MBP 13 inch in september, i can certainly say i regret not having the air. every day. I even added a 300$ SSD to my MBP, and while faster, the biggest draw for me is the battery life of the air and the portability. I used to have the sony tx laptop which i absolutely loved and at the itme

I thought I hated her. Then i realized the gift card only buys songs movies and apps. Now I pity her.

I must be stupid or something, but why is the adapter ON your TABLE, I.e. not plugged in, yet the plug side is plugged into your MacBook?? If you're not charging your Mac wouldn't you just yank out the connected rather than getting up pulling out the brick and putting it on the table?? Also if you're anticipating that

@Arken: Not at all. Otherwise they would allow us to downgrade as we wish, or install android for arguments sake or whatever else we want.

I read the original and read the response. While I don't know the tech, and from how giz describes it it did sound absurd. His responses did not help since they were just denials with no facts to back up mergers, acquisitions, clients, producers, etc of the technology they are defending.

@Super Chill Yorkshire Lad: I think where it will make a huge difference is safari, oddly enough. while i never notice any slowing down etc in multitasking, the one thing that annoys me to he'll is safari buffer not being significant enough to fast scroll. and even more so, the constant page loading going back and

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: while i agree the ipad has never been slow, and i'm personally very very happy with my ipad, the one thing that annoys the he'll out of me is that safari, the thing that i use the most, has issues scrolling pages (you have to slow scroll), and the back and forward constant page reloading. for

a boombox it can change the world, but know your limits with a boombox.

@twilight-arc: war and peace. its just like tolstoy predicted.

@canont2ilover: unfortunately while the world is shrinking, we are finding more and more ways to put up artificial barriers between us and other people, races, ethnicities, religions, etc.