
@curiouscomputer: this is so ridiculously close to the star trek communicators its ridiculous. the major work has been done, all that needs to now be tweaked is the voice, and real time translation so for example you speak into the phone with output via headset, or another phone.

@NyQuil012: There actually already is a jb app. I think it's called my wi. Creates a wifi hotspot for other devices to use iPhones 3G.

do all basic functions work? couple of months ago i heard the phone didnt work for voice or data.

What I don't get is that after eons of skype on iPhone and push notification availibility, with every unnecessary app adopting push, why does skype still not have this??? I know last year with some update they took up the apple mantra of"can't release until it's perfect" but still nothing. I think this is a real

First gizmodo constantly hates on 3D for being gimmicky and useless. Then I'm a real slow news week decides to bombard us with useless 3D news. Is gizmodo the new film industry? Is there like a new school blog out there talking about how old school blogging is dead and this relies on gimmicks to work?

this is awesome. i've had bouts with somewhat losing my hair then getting some of it back but overall its thinning. i've always wondered how i'd look. for a gimmick app its got some serious face detection and forehead replication technology. yes i know, i bought it and tried it before i even finished the sentence.

no wonder giz is always talking about the decline of the record industry. those saps are selling songs for a buck on itunes and giving those deserving rich artists about 20 bucks a song out of their own pocket!!!

@MSgtSimon: the official terminology is "sex by surprise".

@nicklar: as much as i love gadgets, i love the world i live in even more. politics is something most of us don't directly partake in, but effects us in the most profound of ways in the long term. i love the fact that giz can cover it intelligently, infact has an opinion on it sometimes, and brings us the different

All other giz videos I can see on iPad. Funniest clips of the week can never be watched on iPad. What's up with that

@Sobutosu: I'm guessing the cops realize that if he hasn't jumped by this point he probably won't, so there's a bigger chance of him slipping and falling than intentionally jumping.

@anitesh.jaswal: disagree. anyone ofcourse could do anything, but it isn't done until someone actually takes the risk and faces the peril of actually DOING IT.

maybe im getting dumber, or maybe or the writing on gizmodo is getting worse but i seem to be missing the point in alot of articles recently. is this a voip app that can ALSO use google voice for voip? or is it just a google voice voip app? i thought it was the latter, but then i saw the statement "...but the main

@RainyDayInterns: how does the trackpad work? Wanted to get this for a while for my Mac mini htpc but saw a video on YouTube plus one of the commenters here back in April said the trackpad was wonky. How does it work? Also can you confirm it's Bluetooth? Gizmo do showed this product back in April but at that point

@Agentmage2012: What about the trackpad? Wanted to get this for a while for my Mac mini htpc but saw a video on YouTube plus one of the commenters here back in April said the trackpad was wonky. How does it work? Also since it's Bluetooth I'm guessing it works with snow leopard not sure what you're using it with.

Just to clarify, dev team has gotten it to work but hasn't been released yet (but will be soon).

@shenka: Yes I realize it's been very generous lately of apple to allow iTunes play but in a world of airplay it seems unfair that a 99$ apple box has this advanced feature but a 800$ Apple computer doesn't. Also considering how much apple has been touting this feature it should be only natural to expand it to

Is there a way to airplay stream to a Mac or windows machine. Example you go to a friends house. Not everyone has an atv but most people I know now have htpc's.

Hey #Apple, change the #iPad switch back to screen lock!