
Torch, is this part of the new Gawker, and now Jalop, focus to jump in on social issues?

May I just say one thing though, we are getting very few details of this altercation, however, in nearly every professional setting, punching a co-worker is a termination-worthy offense. I love Top Gear, both US and UK. Clarkson is awesome at what he does.

I wish we could instill this "no passing on the right" here in the States.

At least they didn't try to dynamite it on the beach. We all know how that turned out last time...

Question on terminology, here. You call this fellow a jabroni, which he undoubtably is. But, would "Squid" be more appropriate or is that reserved for another type of biker?

In case of a crash, he will just use his massive balls as air-bags.

Fuck, M3's and M5's hooning around on a track day are just pedestrian traffic. Pure sex. If I play back both videos at once does that count as an ear-orgy?

No helmet

Keep it up Tyler. Great, well written piece .

Nice work. It's very hard for a platform like Kinja to tackle serious geopolitics - and seeing it through a military prism is always going to be a distortion - but this is a really good piece.

That is not how government works.
This is how government works.
Just rent some members of congress and then things will happen.

In acting parlance this is known as a "double gesture," and it is considered bad form. Say it or show it. Doing both is redundant, hense, derp.

You must seek out the chosen few known as Mythbusters as they hold the answers to all questions.

There is a severe lack of womprats in this video.

As a fellow 20-something Kentish male, I publicly apologize for the actions of this knob. Obviously we aren't all like this, and he is a monumental idiot.

Huh. So there are still some crazy women I HAVEN'T dated.

She's not very good at it, that's for sure.

only thing more depressing than Russia is Russia in HD