
I'm a student at UCSB, and this is fucking terrifying. I was planning on going down to the EXACT spot of the shooting right around the time it happened with my whole group of friends. Came to jalopnik this morning to take my mind off what happened just to find the body count had risen throughout the night...I'm kind

Haven't we all done this?

This is, hands down, one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Is it too late to go back, learn to fly, be a dude, and try to be a fighter pilot? Do they take women in their mid-3o's? I want to barrel roll!!!

I think he should have just called the cops, told them they were on a test drive and the driver was being abusive or not complying with his requests to slow down or go back to the dealer. Cop pulls them over, this woman gets whatever anger management or whatever she needs and nobody gets hurt. 75 in a 35 is crazy,

Because nobody actually got shot, after all the ruckus blew over everyone just sort of drove away, which means that police are still looking for the original shooters in the BMW.

I can't imagine witnessing something like that and NOT stopping to see if someone was hurt! What the holy FUCK is going on in this world!? I'm not saying stop and give medical aid (if you don't know what you are doing) but just pull your damn car over and call for help and see if anyone is badly hurt.

Why the hell does it have that function at all?!

Who puts up unsecured Jersey barriers to separate a racing surface from a freaking body of water?

They do not represent the people. They represent whomever bought them at election time. The process of election has been subverted so thoroughly, that the democracy which our founders set up is almost unrecognizable today.

By "we" you mean the United States Federal Government. I will not be attacking anyone and do not support Obama's blood-lust.

Why is no one shooting at this gu...

Dear Mr/Ms Police Person,

I want to hear more about this, but only if Hannah Dawkins is involved.