deus ex plaustra

It was plain clothes dudes with no identification, badge numbers, partially concealed weapons (not obvious), making no declarative statements, reading no miranda rights, not informing any scared citizens around them of their intentions, throwing a seemingly innocent person into an unmarked van and peeling off to who

Aside from all the disgusting bootlickers chiming in here to say this kidnapping was just fine and dandy, since she allegedly wrote a fucking tag on a wall somewhere (the horror), how is this even a good tactic for NYPD? If those uniformed bike cops hadn’t intervened to establish some real authority, shit would have

This is Trump’s idea of ‘law and order’. I know I feel so much safer knowing that a teenage transgender woman can be abducted by guys without identifying themselves and taken away in an unmarked van without due process.

Ah, i couldnt even comment before the first white boot lickers logged on.

No, this is a kidnapping, it just happens that the kidnappers will face no legal repercussions for their criminal behavior.

I’m struggling to write a response of “this scares me and should scare everybody” without sounding all “All Lives Matter” and diminish the issues you deal with as a transwoman that I don’t as a cis white man, but this scares me too and it should all Americans.

Here is a crazy idea. If police want to police protests, they must do it in full uniform with full badge number visible if they want to have the privileges that come with being the police. If you want to arrest someone, you get to do it under the scrutiny of the public. If you need to defend yourself with force, you

You know, they, and by which I mean those in power, are actually quite a bit smarter than they seem.  This police behavior is completely outside of legal code, and they know it won’t stand in court.  But they also know that there’s a huge time-lag between the incident and the court, and they are using it to explore

So if some hyper-aggressive men in civilian clothing ran up, surrounded you, and forced you into an unmarked vehicle, you’d be cool with that?


Boooooo!, Hisssssss!  ( I love it).

gas portion of the hybrid drivetrain is a 2-litre Atkinson-cycle four-pot

Nice price, would not buy.

Meth can be cooked with no heat source using several liquid chemicals, sudafed, and lithium batteries shaken in a plastic soda bottle. But no meth head is dumb enough to do this in a car on account of the possibility it might explode and the toxic fumes. The Karen/Kevin who called 911 wanted to sensationalize the

A narrative of the incident in the report states that Taylor fired his rifle because he feared Ramos would “use the Toyota Prius as a deadly weapon.”

It's okay, you didn't get my goat with your sappy reply. ☺ Planely, I shaved it too close between spell check and post. 

This video got me to thinking about how something like this might happen to me.  I’m a scientist, so if people in another country start making Youtube videos about something I did in my professional life...

Torch, you’re gonna be to China what David Hasselhoff is to Germany.