deus ex plaustra

I won’t disagree that the LED units look somewhat out of place (but JW Speaker supposedly makes good stuff), maybe all metalized (chrome) would look less spider-like than the black bezels? The low beam is the most used of high, low, and fog lamp functions, so it does make sense to “go for the good stuff” for the low

Well, there could be aome really hard running Mondeos after this!

One way to use up some of the Ford parts they have lying around.

Also a classic example of “I’m smart enough about a few things, so clearly I’m a genius who can do everything.”

So, I live in a really small coastal town. Normally we get the summer people in late May, early June. About 9-10 days ago, (just before the weekend) all the NY and NJ plates started showing up, obviously not self-quarantining, shopping in the local grocery store.....and today, we had our first case of Covid-19.....a

In theory if you isolate yourself from anyone else and only going to the grocery store and other essentials it should be fine, but you are travelling state to state, stopping at multiple places for gas and food, you would be spreading the virus unwittingly and irresponsibly

Oh, look, more “rules don’t apply to me” assholes! Behavior like this will totally not prolong the duration of this global catastrophe!

Jesus, that’s Trump levels of thin-skinned.

A reminder: While Rigor Mortis Mitch is old enough to be trying to dodge the reaper’s blade, and Trump isn’t much younger, Stephen Miller is 34 Gregorian years old.

Lapid: “Anything but green.”

Destroying the political career of that POS white supremacist is the one good thing that has come out of this administration. 

I noticed. And I for one would welcome the quipsters at Deadspin to come over and gleefully mock his assessment of Kaep’s abilities. They could probably assess a greatest hits catalog quite quickly, given how often we’ve gone over how much better Kaep was statistically than, say, Nathan Peterman.

we’re not talking about 1968 in the middle of the Civil Rights Movement with US sprinters on the US national team at the Olympics raising the Black Power fist because American politics are polarized around race in ‘68

He’s following pretty closely along with Trump.  Wasn’t it just the other day Trump was decrying a boycott of Home Depot?  They only support a market-based system if it aligns with their beliefs. 

At least the little guy admits she’s actually good at her job. Noticed that shit dig at Kaep though. What the fuck does Ben Shapeeno know about football?

Ha. I’m sure Shapiro would be happy to allow for some regulation on the market should it swing too politically left (despite doing what capitalism/free markets are supposed to do)...

We’re talking about Megan Rapinoe getting million dollar contracts specifically because of her sexuality, and because she’s a very very good soccer player. But let’s not make any mistake, if she was a very good soccer player and she were not a very outspoken lesbian, she would be getting fewer contracts because she’s

Please let him have that fucking stroke over this one.

Digging the “Semper Lies” sign. There are so many a-holes who were/are in the military and point to their “service” as a “get out of shame and consequences free” card. Just because you slap on a uniform doesn’t mean you’re Captain America.