deus ex plaustra

“Look, my step-daughter was asking for it. I mean, have you seen the way she dresses? Besides, boys will be boys and your bright future in the GOP should’t be marred for the totally normal act of raping my step-daughter.”

Q. How do you know the toothbrush was invented in Kentucky?

They’re known for making whiskey, but they still have a whole bunch of dry counties, many of which are the ones who make the whiskey. When that’s your starting point, you know everything is going to be fucked.

“I’m really impressed with the way Kentucky conducts its affairs, both in its government and as a group of responsible and concerned citizens.” Said no one ever.

In the last 10 years, we have learned that caring about things is stupid “virtue signaling” and those that do should be mocked. Showing emotion of any kind is a “meltdown”. Saying racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, or any other hate speech is “being ironic” or “just messing around to trigger the SJWs”.

But when Kavanaugh gets testerical and starts screaming and crying, that’s OK.

Feelings are for the weak, unless someone is trying to suggest you pay more taxes or suggests you molested somebody else.

We as a society need to address men’s emotions, for sure.

I think it is more likely Israel or Saudi Arabia. But if it was the US or one of our proxy groups in the region, there will be hell to pay that no amount of tariffs or Hillary whataboutisms will get Trump out of. 

Honestly, I think he and his advisors think that if he starts a war, and war is either continuing while the election takes place, or has been won, he’ll win easily. There is a certain part of the electorate who thinks voting against the president during a war is wrong for some reason, and I’m damn sure he’ll trot

This seems like the best first step. If what we’re really worried about are shipping lanes in and around the Strait of Hormuz being attacked/interrupted, then we need to send armed escort vessels with the tankers.

If whomever is responsible for the attacks (and it might well be Iran, or at least the IRG, but we don’t

“These unprovoked attacks on commercial shipping warrant a retaliatory military strike,” Cotton told CBS.

Absolutely ludicrous that anyone, especially a grown adult, thinks that the default for an interrogation is that you can just bullshit your way through the interview and lie to a police officer (a Federal agent, in this case) without any consequences.

You’re only victim of the trap if you walk right into it by perjuring yourself...

“Perjury trap”

And this is why they should’ve played hardball when Trump’s lawyers would only agree to written answers. Such a bullshit move.

For someone who made their career in comedy, it’s amazing how direct he is and how quickly he can drop the shtick. That old clip of him on Crossfire with Tucker Carlson is amazing. They kept trying to be like “come on funny man, make some jokes,” and all he had for them was “you are a problem, when will you own up to

If there’s anything this administration has taught us, it’s that things can always get worse.

I remember during Dubya’s reign, learning how to deal with the rage that would bubble up from the GOP hypocrisy of that age. I didn’t think there was any way it could get worse or more blatant.

Sean Hannity is what happens when the smarmy asshole who insisted on wearing a tie to (public) high school every day (and declared himself “Captain” of the Debate Team, despite the team deciding internally that there would be no centralized leadership) somehow makes it to adulthood without ever getting decked.