
Yup, full stop. Can we just apply Occam’s razor to this bitch already? Get rid of guns. If people start killing each other with chainsaws, or humming birds, or fucking pencils next, I’ll be the first to say ‘get the fuck rid of them too’. Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick, fuck me running, and shalamalamadingdong, stop

You are. You’re, like, an infant prodigy.

One of the best things I’ve ever done for myself was expand my friend group to include any age. As a result I knew by my mid-2os that not giving a shit was the most freeing thing I could learn to do. Of course, it took me about 5 years to fully get it but so grateful.

Pet him and love him and name him George.

Awwww! I'm not a huge cat person either but that's a cutie. Having an animal around the house always makes things a little better for me

Same. That's known as a hand roll.

How about IZZZZZYYYY sleeping with her piggie

No, it’s fine, I clawed my eyes out so everything is OK now.

Don’t ever go home.

If anyone is good at holding multiple opposite viewpoints at one time, it’s a conservative Republican.

Change the fines to be multiplicative instead of additive when they go over the limit. Then instead of the 90 grand this shitbag doesn’t give a fuck about, he might be paying like 9 million+ for his water bill. I bet that gets their fucking attention.

I want to claim credit for the same thing.

Hey, guess what? You have no idea! “Not busy” can mean “You don’t make any fucking money! Have fun eating Ramen!” It doesn’t mean you only make a meer $15 per hour.

Note: I am in no way defending either the letter writer or the responder from Uexpress. I think we can all agree they are both shitty people.

Dear lord. Might as well have some of this while you’re at it:

I liked it, but it definitely could have been 45 minutes shorter. It felt like the world’s longest romcom

And some White people are really same same- like when I went to Denmark, and for a bout a day i really had to concentrate on people’s features. To me, a an Afro Latina, Danes are all very tall, very robust, very pale, with lots of hair and really big, shy smiles. I felt like a damn idiot.

He’s Native! I don’t know why this is making me so happy.

I think we are way past that point. Even if (BIG if) 90% of these women are lying, manipulative, harpies that are just trying to get their 15 minutes of fame and a payout, that still means that Bill Cosby drugged and raped at least 4 of them.