
Thanks for this. I’m glad I’m not the only one.

Mine, too! Ha! She always had more than four at a time hanging around. Aww, I miss Grandma.

This is such a good point. I love the show, and part of the comfort of watching it is knowing that Leslie and her girls are probably going to encounter something you’ve encountered, and/or had to climb doubly fats and doubly hard to smash that glass ceiling. There’s definitely a vein that speaks to the menfolk, but

teacher to teacher...this is exactly what went through my head, too.

Ahhhh, me too!

I’ve never heard of Workd Market—-I must check it out!

My apartment came furnished, and the bowls are these weird, shallow things that are basically plates with a dip in the middle. I hate them. I either use the straight-up, regular plates that also came provided, or use the Bath and Body Works candle holders as my bowls once I’ve washed them out. Works like a charm, and

Halloumi is one of the things I love best about living in the Middle East. Oh, and the hummus. And Jordanian olives (my favorite kind). And the oilve oil. Okay...more than a few things!

I just had to gnaw on my wrist at that picture. The bony ankles. The sweater. The deep eyes. Arrghhhhh!!!!! Soooo cute!

Sriracha hummus? WINNING!!!!

It’s like an outtake from the 80s horror movie, Dolls.

Thank you!

I was just going to write something of this nature, but you did a finer job!

Right? I was scratching my head, wondering what specific images she had in mind.

British Columbian here. I concur. ;)

This is a ridiculous comment on just about every level.

A shared email for my grandparents was cute. I think the late 20s-early 30s couples with shared Facebook accounts is hella stupid. MattandJess Smitt? Come on...

I think that video was meant to make it understand.....?

I can’t help it. American football just bores me so bad. My eyes glazed over and even the clever little cartoons couldn’t get me to understand.

Ahhhh! So adorable! I saw a Bengal a few weeks ago when I was getting my kitty groomed. Here is my Blitzen!

I feel like someone just punched me in the gut. That was a darn, fine story.