I like your name. Therefore, you are cool.
That makes so much sense! In certain threads I’m still “pending” but not in others. Some major lights go on...!
Thank you so much for the rundown! I’ve heard the term so many times, but have never been able to figure it out. I thought it was kind of like a purgatory for first comments on a post that eventually got lost in the conversation by newer comments.
Can someone explain ‘the greys’ to me? Thanks in advance!
Fellow Canadian all the way over in the Middle East, thinking about how lucky you are to see Gordon in all his beautiful beauty! I’m so jealous! Enjoy!!!!!
Is it a family name? :)
Octavia Spencer: dope as hell.
Confidence: How to Get More of It....
Didn't we already try the religious labor camp thing? Didn't we find out it didn't work?
I went to school with Carly. She's such a sweet and humble person. I'm so glad she's sharing her musical genius!
This is the point, right here. No one is arguing that it wouldn’t be better for the movie to have an actual trans teen in the role. However, outside of a small bubble of well-versed and informed individuals, most people don’t know a lot about trans issues. Having a blockbuster cast (and at least they cost sensitive…
2003. The family has just put our beloved sheltie, Boo, to sleep. We are broken, sobbing messes, and my sister and I harbour the unpredictable emotions of teenagers. My stepbrother is visiting, and shows the surface-level compassion of a teenage boy.
I don’t think showering with someone is weird, but the context of this couple certainly is weird. I mean, you guys were just all casual in the living room eating some scrambled eggs and then she proposes a double shower right in front of you?
ARGH. And, puh-LEASE. This interview just reeks of lies, lies, lies.
“Do you feel like a victim of a molestation?”
I get soooo nauseous listening to the cult-y language too: “little ones”, “wrongdoings”, “safeguards.”
Wait...wine and whipped cream?
“I’m pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, ‘Coach, I think I’d rather shower with the girls today.’ “