Deucifer the Sixth

I think one of you guys is talking about Gotham while the other, Better Call Saul.

It can be two things!

"And let's be real, Kanye would never give away an award someone handed him."

Wtf are you guys talking about? This episode starred 4 minorities and one white male. Not many shows can boast that type of diversity. And lets stop acting like this show exclusively kills black guys like Tyrese's hallucinations of dead people weren't all white.

The Wasp isn't a female version of Ant-Man the way Supergirl or She-Hulk are for Superman and Hulk. And Carol eclipsed the Captain Mar-Vell verison long ago, so yeah I'd say that's a stretch.

But they let Morrison launch Action and not the other. Plus before Johns was on Superman and after Morrison left Action, Action outsold Superman bit more.

I mean she called him out for being inapprops while flapping said unkempt vagina at her co-workers, so I think he was well within friendship rights to call her out.

Strategically placed Hawkeye head*.

I mean its a little odd they've never been nominated, at a certain point it becomes a little aggressive.

What the fuck? Of course we count her. Regardless of her last name or what what caucasian features she has. If she's Asian she's Asian.

Or even the Veep route…

All good points, but I was just talking about the idea that they were sexless.

…then just say "inspired by".

Wut. Only 2 DC shows are interconnected and even then just barely.

Surprised at how late this article is and he's definitely still got blue in his design.

How would words like "charge" work without C? If anything, lets get rid of K.

How is this even news? Like do you guys just post any bullshit articles that other websites are publishing?


Detective Comics has been pretty self-contained. Especially the current writers' (Francis Manapul & Brian Buccellato) run.

The Shazam short is definitely not set in the JLU universe. Yeah, they got the voice actors for that, but there's too many contradictions for them to go together.